Chapter 5- Fist-Fight, Finger-Bang & Flowers

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There was something undeniably empowering about being a woman, Aria decided as she swayed her hips on the dance floor at "Vertigo." The shots she had allowed her to relax some and just enjoy the feel of the music guiding her hips back and forth in a sensual rhythm. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own and with every pulse coming off the bass throughout the club, she would find her body jerking, head swaying and hands roaming. It felt good to be able to enjoy something like this, to be able to let loose of all the recent drama and have a good time with her friends. Not that she had seen them since she'd walked in. She had taken off straight to the bar to order a couple drinks then bolted out to the dance floor. It was fine with her though, she was having the time of her life just listening to the music drown out her worries.

"Confusing isn't she?" Matt asked Marcus as they were watching Aria from the bar. They had staked their claim on a darkened corner, not for privacy, but to merely observe that Aria was safe.

"What do you mean?" Marcus inquired. Of course that woman was confusing. No other female had intrigued him as she had and with complete innocence! He didn't have any idea what it was about Aria that drew him like a moth to a flame, he just prayed he wouldn't be getting burned. Right now she was definitely looking hot enough to do just that. What? He had eyes. And like every other male in the bar, they were trained on that blonde little vixen swaying her body to the beat like she was born to seduce.

"I mean... just when you think you know what your life is about, she comes in and mind-fu*ks you, right? There was a time when I first met her, I thought I wasn't gay after all; I just hadn't met the right girl until her. Of course I was wrong, I see now I could never be anything more than her protective big brother, but that's not to say she didn't make me second guess myself for a while," Matt confessed.

Honestly Marcus couldn't blame the guy. Aria had something about her that appealed to every walk of life. He had to admit, he was more than a little relieved that Matt had decided she wasn't for him.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, man. I've never even considered being gay, but I can understand how she'd get those gears turning in your head. I mean look at her. No, never mind. There's enough people doing that already, I'm going to help cover her up. Wish me luck," Marcus replied nervously, striding away from the bar and towards the object of everyone's affection tonight. As the song ended and a new one began, Marcus smirked. It was a salsa song and right in his element. All his previous traveling had granted him the privilege of learning multiple different steps, salsa being one of his favorites and quite erotic. With new found bravado, he meandered through the crowd to an unsuspecting Aria.

By this point Aria was dripping with sweat. Dancing was quite an exercise, almost as much and fending off the advances of the men at the bar tonight. They weren't getting the picture that she just wanted to have fun by herself and were quite ruthless in their advances. As about the hundredth pair of hands grabbed her around the waist, she'd had enough. Spinning around, she sent her fist flying in the general direction of the man. Her fist connected with bone and she immediately regretted the punch. Her hand was throbbing and the man was less than impressed. She began to worry as she studied his frame. At well over six and a half feet, he was a wall of solid rippling muscle. His nostrils flared, his eyes narrowed into slits and he began to advance on Aria, obviously very unhappy.

"Oh you'll regret that blondie," the man spat, roughly grabbing a hold of her wrist. She began to panic, frantically looking around for help. It seemed everyone was avoiding eye contact, pretending to be in their own little world. Typical men. When you want to be left alone they come swarming but when you're in trouble they duck out.

Suddenly a hand shot out, grabbing the man tightly around the wrist. The unsuspected grip caused the man to relinquish his hold on Aria, but before the man was able to reach out to her again, Marcus twisted aggressively on the strangers wrist and shoved; hearing a distinct pop and effectively dislocating his wrist. Maybe he would keep his hands to himself from now on. The man howled in pain but wasn't going to let Marcus get away with humiliating him in public. He charged towards Marcus, eyes blazing and hell bent on teaching him a lesson. Marcus tried to warn the man this was a game he didn't want to play, but he continued to charge with the brute force of a freight train barrelling towards him.

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