chapter one

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08.15am - tuesday morning

everyone was yawning. nobody got enough sleep. the entire class room was not listening to my teacher, and honestly me neither.

i was sitting in my english class. my teacher wasn't even teaching, he was only talking about his personal life, which gave us students the perfect opportunity to talk.

my best friend and i were sitting in the last row. she was playing on her ipad which she used for school. i took my book out and read. but i couldn't focus.

i kept thinking about my love life. it was quite boring right now.

about a year and a half ago, i had this boy two years older than me. he was here on my school. it started as a hallway crush, but the more i looked at him, the more butterflies i got when he looked at me.

these butterflies doubled and tripled each day. and one day, i texted him. told him that i think he's cute. right away. and right away, i got rejected.

5 months later, he graduated. i knew that i would never see him again, and i was right. i never saw him again. it's been about 8 months since his graduation, and i miss the feeling of butterflies. i miss the warm feeling in my heart every time i saw him. i miss the way me and my best friend would go the extra long way so we could walk behind him.

ever since him, i never had a real crush again. he was the first person, who made me blush every time we looked at each other.

of course i had this one guy i thought was cute, but compared to the first one, i knew that i only talked to him because i wanted that feeling back i had with my hallway crush. but i didn't have it. no boy could gave me the same butterflies i had when i saw this guy in school.

sitting in class, thinking about everything, i thought to myself, i want this feeling again.
but i was so deep in my thoughts that i had already been in another world because i-

„hey! y/n! is everything okay?" my best friend asked me.
„oh yeah sorry. just been thinking a lot lately. did you say something?"

she showed me a picture on her ipad. a picture of a city. the city. barcelona.

„isn't this the most prettiest city ever?"
„it is. but do you know what's even prettier in barcelona? the boys."

i received a chuckle. my best friend is known in our friend group as the shy girl that attracts boys aka the texting hoe. she's seems super outgoing when you text with her but in reality she's super shy.

we talked about boys a lot. she has a new crush literally every other week or so. i'm always happy for her and hope that someone of them is the right one, but me.. i just don't find someone.

i don't want to complain but life has been super boring lately.

„do you mean the boys in general or is there a specific one, y/n?" she said smirking at me already knowing my answer.
„maybe a certain pablo." i told her.
„you gotta manifest him!!" she said to which i chuckled.

„omg i had this one dream about him, where i posted a story of me and put my instagram on public and tagged him in the story. and then he saw it and replied to it how pretty i was."

god. i shouldn't have said that. or maybe i should. because i had this supportive girl as my best friend, she told me that i should do it.

days have gone by and nayla kept reminding me to do it. like constantly.

there wasn't a day at school where i would come and sit down next to her at 8am and get the question have you already found the perfect picture to post?

the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now