chapter three

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the only thing i did this whole week, was texting with pablo. unbelievable.

somewhere in my mind was a feeling of extrem shock. i was literally texting with the spanish youngster. the golden boy.

but then i had this feeling that it was completely normal, because he is just a person like i am. and when we texted, it felt like i was texting with nayla. i mean, we got along so good so quick.

i was so happy. i think it was one of the happiest times in my life, and honestly i forgot about my ex-crush, which was good.

after a week of texting with pablo literally day and night without stopping, i can say that my feelings for my ex-crush are 99% percent gone. still not 100% but 10% more than last week.

i still need to learn more spanish but this whole week, i took my time and learnt some more. i took some spanish classes last school year, so i know the basics and stuff, but for him, i would learn everything. and so would pablo.

he started learning more english and a little bit german. he even called me a few days ago, and his german, as well as his english is so cute. his spanish accent makes the conversations 10times better.

i was sitting in my last class for the day, and the last class for the next 2 weeks. 10 minutes left - i wanted to go home badly. i mean, as soon as i get home it's boring again because pablo has training and i can't text him but it's definelty better than my history class on a friday.

i told pablo about my winter break - he asked me if i wanted to come to barcelona.

i read the message and screenshoted it immediately and sent it to nayla.


am i trippin' or does he want to see me?


girl i'm shaking rn
but my parents probably won't allow it
ugh i want to see him too

my parents aren't strict, but when it comes to me going somewhere alone, they're strict. and we're talking about a country. a country that's  over  600 miles (over thousand kilometers) away. they'll never let me.

i told him that i would love to, but i can't. i said that my parents wouldn't allow it, especially not if i'm alone. i never got an answer to that. that was yesterday noon, and i still haven't got any message from him.

my thoughts got interrupted by the bell that finally rang so i could go home. i needed to take the bus today. usually my parents drove me, but they worked today.

the bus finally came and i grabbed my airpods. luckily, i only needed 5 minutes to get home by bus, so i was home quick.

i opened the door and saw that the kitchen light was on.

„mum? dad? why are you at home?"
„honey, we got a call from a certain someone, and you need to go get your luggage and pack your stuff for 2 weeks." my mum said.

i stood in the kitchen and looked at them confused.

„w-what do you mean? i don't understand anything right now."
„y/n, we got a call from pablo gavi's manager. he wants to pay the flight for you to come to barcelona."

the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now