chapter four

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butterflies. the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. it's this kind of tickle or nervousness you feel when you think of this person, talk about this person, someone mentions this person or when you see this person. i thought that i would never experience this type of feeling ever again after that boy in my school, but i did. the moment i saw him - it was the moment my butterflies grew.

we landed - the warm air hit me. it felt so good, i knew that this was going to be an unforgettable time.

„wait where are we supposed to go?" nayla asked me, and i did not have a clue. we were kinda lost.

we first got our luggage, thank god we didn't need to wait long.

we were standing outside the airport when we heard someone calling my name.

i looked everywhere when i saw a man in a suit in front of a black mercedes. he noticed that i saw him and waved us to him.

„hello, my name is sr. martin gomez, i am the manager of pablo gavi. i talked with your parents earlier today."
„yes right, hi nice to meet you, i'm y/n y/l/n, and that's my best friend nayla holt."

„it's a pleasure to meet you. let me put your bags in the car, you can have a seat inside too, i will take you to a hotel near la masia."

we sat in the car and it didn't feel real. i left my class in school about 5 hours ago, and now i'm in barcelona with my best friend on our way to meet pablo.

we drove for about 20 minutes before we arrived at a beautiful hotel. it looked very luxury and honestly i kinda felt bad to be here, because gavi was the one paying for us.

„check in with the name gavira, unpack your things and get ready for the evening. one of the teammates birthday party is today and pablo thought this was the best opportunity to meet not only him, but all of them."

when he said that, i was like okay, okay hold up- first we get our flight paid by pablo gavi, then his manager brings to us to a luxury hotel also payed by him and now we are invited to a party with the fc barcelona team. how-like what?

we got into our hotel room and i could not believe it. it was literally heaven.

it was almost a whole apartment - well maybe not that like but that's definitely what i thought of.

we had a big living room, two bedrooms with each a bathroom, and those beds were - chefs kiss.

we just put our stuff in the room and went outside again to buy a birthday present. we found out that it was ferran torres's party.

we didn't know exactly what to get so we went with some safe options: some clothes and a champagne bottle.

we immediately went back to our room and put our clothes in the closet and stopped when we heard a knock on our door.

„hola, it's me again." pablo's manager said chuckling.
„oh hey, what can we do for you?"
„uh no, no, nothing. i just wanted to let you know that you are getting picked up at 9pm. a driver will come and bring you to the location."
„great, thank you!"

i closed the door and leaned against it. 9pm?! we only have 3 hours to get ready???

i looked at nayla. „we need to get ready. now."

nayla and i are these kind of girls, that love makeup and skin care. we take our time because we want our skin to glow. the bathroom looks like a bomb exploded there because everywhere you look, you'll find make-up or skin care products.

we immediately did our skin care and makeup before moving on to our hair.

all done, i looked like this: (ofc you can change it)

the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now