chapter fourteen

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we drove for about 15 minutes before we reached a beautiful promenade at the beach.

„we're here. ¿quieres ir a dar un paseo? (want to go for a walk?)" he said.
„sí, claro."

i looked into his brown eyes and he looked into my blue ones. a tension formed, and the both of us knew that we couldn't escape it any longer.

that's when - the both of us started to lean in, until our lips touched. it happened. we kissed.

we pulled away and looked at each other.
„quería hacer esto por un tiempo. (i wanted to do this for a while now.)" he said chuckling.

at first, i thought i didn't hear right, but i definitely did.
„you're joking. esperaba que lo hicieras. (i was hoping you would do it.)"

he laughed a little at what i'd said. his laugh - the laugh i love the most.

we got out of the car and went side by side until he suddenly interlocked his fingers with mine.

my heart began to race as i looked down at our hands. i looked back up to pablo and saw him looking at the beach. he didn't seem to notice my nervousness so i tried to play it off and looked around.

we didn't talk much, but that wasn't awkward at all. it was comfortably quiet, just the two of us. hand in hand.

we walked along the promenade until he stopped in front of a sephora and said: „sé que sólo tienes dos días más aquí, así que quiero asegurarme de que sean los mejores. puedes ir al sephora y conseguir todo lo que quieras. (i know you only have two more days here, so i want to make sure they are the best. you can go into the sephora and get everything you want. i will buy it for you.)"

you have to know that i love sephora, it's like free therapy for me, but the person i am, i couldn't do it. i already knew that it would be expensive because the moment i'd step into this store, i would be unstoppable.

„no, pablo yo-"
„no y/n. te saqué, y te vas en dos días así que por favor, déjame comprarte todo lo que quieras. (i took you out, and you leave in two days so please, let me buy you everything you want.)"

this man is truly amazing. an absolute dream.

i stood there and i knew i had no chance against him, so i didn't try to say anything more. i hugged him, took his hand and entered the shop with him behind me.

i'm not gonna lie, i think i took almost an hour, but pablo was very patient with me. he was always next to me, giving me advice whether this eyeshadow color would look good with my eyes or not. i got everything i always wanted and went to check out with him.

„now i feel bad. eso es tan caro. (that's so expensive.)"
„y/n, no traigas esto de nuevo. (don't bring this up again.)"

i took my bags and left the shop after pablo paid. „muchas gracias pablo, por todo. (thank you so much pablo, for everything.)"

he pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my cheek which made my face turn pink. out of embarrassment, i put one of my hands over my face and turned away from him as a small laugh escaped from his mouth.

„no te avergüences. eres demasiado hermosa. (don't be embarrassed. you're too beautiful.)"

that didn't help. but as he said it, he tried to take my hand away from my face. he took my hand in his again and took my bags into his free hand.

we started walking again when all of a sudden, nayla came towards us.

„y/n, it's time." she said leaving me confused.
„what do you mean? time for what? ... what's going on?"

nayla looked over to pablo who looked at her. i looked at pablo who was now smirking at me. i gave both of them a confused look.

nayla took my free hand while my other one was still interlocked with pablo's. she started walking towards a group of people.

the group turned around: all of our friends were there. then, i didn't feel pablo's hand in mine anymore, causing me to turn around and look at him.

i gasped and held my hands over my mouth. small tears were forming in my eyes.

„sé que puede parecer rápido, pero no puedo esperar más, y el hecho de que me dejarás en dos días no ayuda. probablemente es un poco abrumador en este momento porque nunca he mostrado sentimientos, pero eso es mi culpa. no puedo mostrar sentimientos, pero quiero que sepas que me enamoré de ti. y quiero que seas mía. y/n - ¿serás mi novia? (i know it might seems fast, but i can't wait anymore, and the fact that you'll leave me in two days doesn't help. it's probably a little overwhelming right now because i've never showed feelings, but that's my fault. i can't show feelings, but i want you to know that i fell in love with you. and i want you to be mine. y/n - will you be my girlfriend?)"

i couldn't really process what he did and what he said, so i was actually frozen for a few seconds before i finally spoke up. „sí."

i walked towards him and hugged him tightly. our friends around us were clapping.

as we were hugging, pablo whispered: „sé que una relación a larga distancia es difícil, pero lo haremos. podemos hacerlo. (i know a long-distance relationship is hard, but we will do it. we can do it.)"

how was i so lucky to have this beautiful soul in my life? a dream of mine turned into reality, and i am more than thankful for that.

if you would tell my 5-months ago me i would be in a relationship with the pablo gavi, i would totally laughed in your face.

i cannot wait to make it official, and let everyone see that he's mine.

we pulled away from our hug and looked at each other until we shared a kiss. which made our friends yell out of happiness.

well, i mean they thought it was our first kiss, when actually it was our second. nayla's gonna kill me when she finds out i didn't text her when we kissed in the car.

we walked some more as a group now when nayla came to me and surprised me.
„ale and i are in a relationship. for 2 two days now."

„WHAT? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" i said hugging her smiling even more.

some people might be annoyed when someone "destroys" the day they'll come into a relationship. but the person i am, i want her to be happy just like i am.

yeah, i was a little annoyed that she told me later, but i am still beyond happy for her and ale.

„now we twinning." she said making me laugh.
„remember the day in school i told you about the dream? this fucking dream became reality. that is so surreal."

ale and nayla got into their car, the other teammates in their and my boyfriend and i in his.

„do you want to stay at mine?" he asked me extremely shy, anxious to cross any line.

his cute shyness caused me to chuckle at his question. „i would love to, pablito."

we drove to la masia, took my sephora bags and went in his room.
„¿puedo conseguir un haul, amor? (can i get a haul, love?)"

my love for this boy is growing every second. and with his question, the growing process speeded up.

„sí, claro." i took the bags while he sat down on his bed. i took everything out and showed him every product i got and what it's for.

the way he looked at me and was acting so interested was so cute. he was giving all of his attention to me and was fully listening to me, even though i'm pretty sure he didn't really understand anything about makeup.

he laid down in bed while i took my makeup off. we decided to watch some more netflix when he asked me: „¿quieres hacerlo público? (do you want to make it public?)"


i didn't hesitate to answer. because i want everyone to know that he's mine.

hello everyone!
chapter fourteen is out and i hope you liked it. i know, it may seems like they are taking it quickly but i think it's fitting perfectly for the storyline.

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the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now