chapter thirteen

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„no she's not."

„why are you talking right now, kid? who are you?"

„the boy she came here with. so don't you dare talk to my girl again."

my girl?

my drunken ass didn't even realize that he has called me that, neither did i realize his english which was so good.

pablo took my wrist softly and we made our way outside of the club.

„you know, estás aún más caliente cuando estás celoso. (you're even hotter when you're jealous.)"
„¿así que piensas que estoy caliente? (so you think i'm hot?)" i hummed in agreement which made him blush a little as he started to smile.

„can we go home?"
„sí. uh- pedri? puedes llevarnos a casa? alejandro y nayla todavía están dentro, no creo que puedan conducir tampoco. sólo nos deja en la mía. (yes. uh- pedri? can you drive us home? alejandro and nayla are still inside, i don't think they can drive either. just drop us off at mine.)"

pedri agreed to drive us to la masia. pablo and i sat in the backseat because pedri had another girl in his passenger seat.

„¿estás bien?" pablo whispered in my ear.
„sí, sólo cansada. y un poco de dolor de cabeza. (yes, just tired. and a little headache.)"

we got to la masia and pablo helped me get upstairs. i legit fell on his bed, face first. i turned around because i couldn't breathe properly and tried to take my shoes off.

„let me." pablo said and kneeled down in front of me.
„thank you. ¿tienes alguna ropa que pueda prestarme? (do you have any clothes i could borrow?)"

he put my shoes aside and went to his closet. he gave me an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts.

i slowly got of the bed and walked into his bathroom to change. my makeup bag was still in his room so i took a few makeup wipes and took my makeup off.

when i got out of the bathroom, he was standing next to bed.
„preparé la cama para ti. ya puedes dormir. (i prepared the bed for you. you can sleep now.)"

i smiled at him before i got under the covers on the left side of the bed. i looked over to pablo who took a pillow and a blanket with him.

„what are you doing?"
„voy a dormir en el sofá. (i'm going to sleep on the sofa.)"
„pablo, no seas tonto. ven aquí, puedes dormir a mi lado. (pablo, don't be silly. come here, you can sleep next to me.)"

„¿estás seguro? no quiero hacerte sentir incómodo. (are you sure? i don't want to make you uncomfortable.)"
„estoy seguro. ven aquí ahora. (i am sure. come here now.)"

he made his way over to me and laid down on the right side of the bed. it was quiet for about a minute or two before i spoke up.

„¿puedo preguntarte algo? (can i ask you something?)" he hummed in agreement.

„¿por qué estabas tan celosa y enfadada con joão a pesar de que él acaba de hablar conmigo? y dijiste que sólo éramos amigos, entonces, ¿por qué reaccionaste así?
(why were you so jealous and angry at joão even though he just talked to me? and you said we're just friends, so why did you react like that?)"

„voy a responder esto mañana, cuando estés sobrio. (i'm going to answer this tomorrow, when you're sober.)"
„bien. buenas noches pablito."
„buenas noches."


i woke up and felt someone sitting next to me. i opened my eyes and turned around to face the person. it was pablo, awake, sitting on his side of the bed, checking his socials.

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