chapter eight

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we opened the door to the house and were welcomed by a mix of music and screams - probably from loosing a fifa game.

the screaming caused a little chuckle from me.

„creo que deberías acostumbrarte a estos ruidos fuertes. (i think you should get used to this loud noises.)" pedri said who heard my chuckle.

„¿por qué? ¿voy a estar aquí más a menudo de ahora en adelante? (why? am i going to be here more often from now on?)"

„no sé - pregunte sr. mirando fijamente. (i don't know - ask mr.staring.)"
i looked at him who was actually staring at me like pedri said.

he was looking down. a blush rising, going from his cheeks over his whole face turning more red. he was looking so cute - cute that he was blushing..of course. i'll not call a boy cute when i just got pushed into the friendzone.

he showed me the house. pedri went to his friends as he obviously knew the way already.

„aquí está mi habitación. no demasiado grande, sólo estoy aquí para dormir de todos modos. estoy en el entrenamiento, en la casa de mi familia o en los otros chicos así que no necesito una habitación muy grande. (here is my room. not too big, i'm just here to sleep anyways. i'm either at training, at my family's house or at the other boys so i don't need a really big room.)"

it was a nice room. as he said not too big but it didn't matter. he had a double bed with a big tv at the wall in front of it. he had his own bathroom with a walk-in closet next to it.

not gonna lie - i was looking over to the closet because how couldn't i? he had lots of clothes and the most stylish ones as well.

„quieres entrar ahí, ¿verdad? (you want to go in there, do you?)" he said smirking at me.
„quizá. (maybe.)"

a small laugh escaped his mouth as he was leading the way to his closet. entering the clothes i didn't say a thing. i froze. so many clothes - so many expensive clothes.

clothes i only saw on instagram were now right in front of me. but a question was in my head - why was he staring at me earlier? i needed to ask him this but i didn't want it to seem weird 'cause otherwise i'll-

„hmm-oh. ¿dijiste algo? (did you say something?)"
„no, pero estabas un poco perdido en tus pensamientos. ¿está todo bien? (but you were kinda lost in your thoughts. is everything okay?)"

yeah just overwhelmed by your hoodies that look so comfortable. i would love to wear every single one of them.

„sí, sí - todo está bien, no te preocupes. (yes, yes - it's all good, don't worry.)"
„habla conmigo, por favor. quiero ser tu amigo y quiero que confíes en mí. sé que nos conocimos en instagram y enviamos un mensaje de texto unas pocas semanas, pero es por eso que quería que volaras. quiero conocerte. y si me dejas te agradecería que hablaras conmigo. (talk to me, please. i want to be your friend and i want you to trust me. i know we met on instagram and texted a few weeks only, but that's why i wanted to fly you in. i want to get to know you. and if you let me i would appreciate you talking to me.)"

he did again. just like he did in the club. his charm was irresistible. the soft tone in his voice - i wanted to fall into his arms and hug him the way that made me feel like home. but as he said, we are only friends. how could we be more?

„no es nada malo o triste - me acabo de enamorar de su armario y me preguntaba.. (it's nothing bad or sad - i just fell in love with your closet and i was wondering..)"

„¿qué te estabas preguntando? (what were you wondering?)" he asked me looking worried.

„Y/N!! PABLO!! ¡VEN AQUI!" a voice which sounded like pedri interrupted our incoming deep talk.

yess! thank goodness pedri needed us to come to him - i didn't want to explain myself awkwardly to pablo.

„¡viene en un minuto! (coming in a minute!)" he yelled back.
„dime, ¿qué te estabas preguntando? (tell me, what were you wondering?)"

i needed to say it. we are friends. and friends tell each other what's going on. i don't want to be a bad friend right from the beginning - y/n just spit it out - don't be dramatic.

„¿por qué me mirabas antes? (why were you staring at me earlier?)"
„yo-..tu.. yo no estaba mirando.. yo sólo estaba mirando a tu. su .. uh.. pelo se ve bien. por eso. ( wasn't staring..i was just looking at you. your ..uh.. hair looks good. that's why.)"

a smirk formed on my lips as nervous pablo gavi was stuttering in front of me.
„thanks. bad liar." i said chuckling before standing up and making my way to pedri.

„¡HEY! mi inglés no es bueno, pero lo entendí. (my english isn't good but i understood it.)" he tried to fight back before he followed me.

pedri wanted us to come into the room of another boy that lived there. all of the boys were sitting there chilling. some of them played fifa, the other ones talked while music was playing.

pedri patted the seat next to him for me to sit down. on my other side sat pablo.

„y/n!" i heard behind me.
„hola ansu!!"

i stood up and hugged him before we chat for a little. ansu and i met at the club when i arrived and we immediately clicked. him and i are like the same person, just the opposite gender.

as i sat back down, someone's hand found their way on my upper thigh.

my butterflies returned. after getting pushed into the friendzone, the butterflies in my stomach fell asleep, but they woke up as soon as his hand touched me.

i looked at the hand and then looking at him. he wasn't looking at me. he looked at ansu, his jaw clenched - god i loved when he did that.

the jealousy was written into his face but it confused me. he friendzoned me, then started stuttering and now his hand is on my upper thigh. i didn't want to interpret too much into it because i didn't want to have high hopes.

he's still a football player - every girl wants him, and he can totally get every girl.

i wanted to say something tho. something to let him know that i knew it - i mean his face said it all but still.

„no te preocupes, no tienes competencia. (don't worry, you have no competition.)" i whispered into his ear and made sure that nobody heard it except for him. especially not pedri.

if pedri knew, he would tell it everyone and everywhere. i know pedri for a short time, but i got to know him so good, that i would call him my brother. and from the story's i got told about him, pedri can be a drama queen and snitch just to annoy his friends.

pablo looked at me and his gaze softened. i smiled at him and returned my look back on the tv.

time passed by - i called nayla to check on her. guess where she was. yep, with alejandro. i swear these two never heard of getting to know each other.

i'm sure they're announcing their relationship soon. hopefully. they're cute.

my parents facetimed me afterwards. i went outside so nobody would scream when i'm with my parents but someone followed me.

i went downstairs in the kitchen and sat down.
„who is that guy coming towards you, y/n?"

i turned around and was welcomed by pablo's smile.
„that's pablo mum."

back when we only met, he made sure that he wanted to learn more english and german to talk to my family. i thought he had already forgot the things i taught him, but he didn't.

„hello mrs. y/l/n. i hope you're doing good." his spanish accent came through which made it even cuter.

„hello pablo, i'm good thank you. i hope you two too and i hope you're taking good care of my daughter."
„sí, sí, always." he said smiling at my mum.


hello everyone!
sorry for not updating and for a kinda short and boring chapter.
i can only say it again, the german school system is freaking me out - i hate it. the next two weeks are busy for me with school and my private life so i don't know when i will update again, but i'll try my best to update soon.
but i hope you still liked todays chapter and show it with a vote/comment.

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