chapter seven

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we walked for maybe two hours and i really needed a break.

the rain stopped after a while but started again, and i hated it.

next to us - the lovebirds: nayla and alejandro. i think they didn't talk once with us. they only had eyes for each other. but honestly, after all those shitty crushes and boys my best friend had, i'm happy that she found someone like alejandro.

alejandro is really good for her. he makes her laugh, blush and smile they way only i can, and that's actually a win if you could make nayla smile the way i did.

pedri, pablo and i were actually having really good conversations. i could feel, that this friendship was going to last.

„heyy lovebirds. i need a break and i don't want to get any more wet, we want to go in that cafe, do you want to come with us?"
„no thank you, we'll walk some more. i don't want to ruin the vibe we have right now. maybe we'll join you later."

the three of us walked into the cafe and took a table at the window. pablo and pedri next to each other, and me on the opposite side of them.

we ordered some coffee and hot chocolates to get warm after the rain, as well as some cake and cookies.

„ok, ahora pablo te conoce bien pero yo no lo hago, cuéntame todo sobre ti. (okay, now pablo knows you good but i don't so, tell me everything about yourself.)"

„ok, por lo tanto, soy y/n y soy alemán con raíces eslavas y también crecí con la cultura eslava. mi cumpleaños es julio 19 de 2005 lo que me hace 17 años. Actualmente estoy en 13o grado, que es mi último así que me graduaré en unos 3 meses. tengo dos hermanos mayores, a ambos les encanta el fútbol así que crecí viendo los partidos, pero a uno de ellos le encanta Barcelona y a uno de ellos le encanta madrid real, así que crecí gustándole a ambos. pero en realidad prefiero barcelona.
(okay, so, i'm y/n and i'm german with slavic roots and i also grew up with the slavic culture. my birthday is july 19th 2005 which makes me 17 years old. i'm currently in 13th grade, which is my last one so i'll graduate in about 3 months. i have two older brothers, both of them love football so i grew up watching the games, but one of them loves barcelona and one of them loves real madrid, so i grew up liking both. but i actually prefer barcelona.)"

„el último punto te ha hecho aún más simpático. (the last point has made you even more sympathetic.)" pedri said making me chuckle. pablo nodded in agreement.

we got our drinks and ate our cakes and cookies - the best ones i've ever heard ngl.

we sat there for a little while and talked. we got to know each other more and more and it didn't feel like i was talking to famous football players. it felt like i've been talking to good friends - normal people.

i felt someone's gaze on me very often which confused me as i was put in the friendzone a few hours ago.

these guys like to give girls mixed signals.

i tried my best not to look. but something was yelling in me to look in his eyes.

the brown eyes i love.

i looked in his eyes - our eyes locking. but it didn't last long as pedri pulled both of us out of the moment.

„so, y/n. ¿tienes novio o has tenido alguno? (do you have a boyfriend? or have you had any?)"

oh no. i didn't even have my first kiss or any real close interaction with boys.

„no, no tengo novio y nunca he tenido uno así que no hay ex loco. ¿qué hay de ustedes dos?
(no, i don't have a boyfriend and never had one so no crazy ex. what about you two?)"

the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now