chapter ten

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all of the wives/girlfriends and family members were picked up together. so we all went outside the hotel where paparazzis were already waiting.

we did our best to go through them safely and drive away from them as fast as we could.

i wore pablo's jersey - excited to support him. nayla wore alejandro's - constantly posting it on her instagram. lol.

we got to the stadium and the atmosphere was unbelievable. we decided to go straight so our seats, where we found all of them on the pitch for pitch-inspection.

that's when he saw me - with his name on my back. a smile formed on his lips as he made his way to me.

„mi apellido te queda bien. (my last name suits you.)" he said leaving me kinda shocked.
„eh-en tu camisa o en mi camisa. se ve bien en ti. (eh-on your shirt or on my shirt. it looks good on you.)"

relief filled my body but it disappointed my heart. in reality, i wanted for him to mean the first sentence he said. but he didn't. and i needed to accept it, it's too early.

„gracias. estoy feliz de estar aquí. estoy emocionado por el partido. lo harás increíble, lo sé. y espero que marques un gol, pero sin presión. (thank you. i'm happy to be here. i'm excited for the match. you will do amazing, i know it. and i hope you will score a goal, but no pressure.)"

„oh lo haré, y será especial. para los dos. (oh i will, and it will be special. for both of us.)"

special for both of us.

i was just looking at pablo. he was looking at me, with the smile that i loved, the eyes on me that i adored, and then pulling me into a hug.

„y/n. du bist so süß. (you're so cute.)"

it made me smile even more, and blush but we're not going to talk about this part.

„uhh your german is so cute pablo."
„i'm working on it."
„your english too!" i said chuckling.

„¡EH! ¡PABLO! ¡VEN AQUÍ!" someone from the team yelled. he turned around and nodded before returning his gaze on me again.

„tengo que ir con ellos. te veré en el calentamiento. (i need to go to them. i'll see you at the warm-up.)" i nodded and returned to the girls. of course, all of them were smirking at me as i returned to them.

„don't even start. no - we are not together, no i don't have feelings for him, but yes he made me blush." i had to say it. if i kept saying that he didn't make me blush, they would try to get the yes out of me for the next week until i said so myself.

they didn't believe a word i said. but as long as we were not going to talk about it, it was fine.

time went by way too fast as the boys went already out for the warm-up. all of the girls, including me, were sitting outside talking about everything.

the stadium was getting filled with more people every second and was now filled with talking.

as the team got outside to train, i looked into someone's direction and found him looking at me as well.

„no feelings huh?" mikky, frenkie de jong's fiancé asked me.
„yeah, just friendship." i said shortly looking at her before placing my eyes back on him.

„i said that too when i met frenkie, and now we're engaged and living together in another country. y/n, ... you and pablo are cute together, and you are still young. you could try it out." mikky was convincing. i don't know if it's her soft voice that made me think about what she said, but the way she said it made it sound like he was the one.

it sounded like we were good for each other. it also felt like it when we hugged. and honestly, she was right. we could try it out, but i don't know if we should.

my smile faded as i was thinking about the whole situation, what mikky said and that i'm leaving in a few days. i somehow needed to let pablo know about everything. but it's too soon.

i have experienced rejection often, well 3 times to be exact. and i didn't want to experience a fourth time.

1. time was back in 4th grade. i was falling for that one boy since kindergarten. yes, kindergarten! anyways, we were friends and i felt like he liked me too but one day before our "graduation" of elementary school, he confessed his crush to my 4th grade best friend. yeah, 9 year old me was sad.

2. time was from 5th to 8th grade. i was falling for that popular boy for good 4 years straight, and i really thought i had a chance. we were actually good friends and got along pretty good. in 6th grade, he starting dating a good friend of mine, but the good friend i am, i supported them. they broke up only a few months later and 2 years after that, i wanted to finally tell him, and i did and got friendzoned. i wasn't even that sad but it still hurt.

the 3. time was the hardest time. my ex-crush. the one that can't text with girls, the one 2 years older than me, the one that told me i was too young. but as i got the message of him rejecting me, i tried to play cool, but i couldn't. the way i fell for him was strong so i literally balled my eyes out.

so a fourth time - and with pablo - would probably be a level 10 breakdown. so as you can tell, i was scared. scared as hell. but those were thoughts i needed to push away from now.

it was time for the match.

both of the teams went on the pitch and when i tell you i was praying, that gavi would not get a yellow card.

the players were on their position - only a few seconds before it would start.

i looked at pablo who winked at me to which i gave him a blushed smile. all of a sudden, the crowd was going crazy.

„omg he winked at you!!!" nayla screamed.
„wait - how do you know?"
„the camera was filming on him the second he winked! thats why all the girls were screaming!"

oh my god. if they'll win, which they definitely will, and i'll go on the pitch to congratulate him, everybody will know.

everybody will know.

is that like ... a good or bad thing because i mean- no, y/n. it's bad. definitely. we met each other a month ago - circa. and met in person almost two weeks ago.

i mean we know each other pretty good and we did everything together and saw each other every day and- why am i seeking all the good things between us for a relationship?!

the game started and my nerves were going crazy. the constant fear of losing this game because i knew how much it means to pablo win in this.

and the win came a step closer.
33rd minute. robert lewandowski had the ball and passed it to pablo who SCORED!

he came closer running towards me. i was sitting in the front row - feeling my heart racing as he came closer, closer until..

..he hugged me and placed a kiss on my cheek. and as he walked back backwards he was pointing at me with his happy smile across his face.

a blush grew over my face, and the smile that was on pablo's face was now on my face.

the crowd was going crazy - and so was my heart.

hello everyone!
new chapter is out and i hope you enjoyed reading it. i would really appreciate a vote/comment and thank you for all of your support!

the boy i didn't know i needed - pablo gaviWhere stories live. Discover now