Learning Curve

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Tobias sits down with Samantha inside her room the next day. He said he needed to test her intelligence and see how smart she was. He set down pieces of paper in front of her. Looking at them, Samantha didn't have a clue what she was looking at, but thankfully Rava has been around longer and knows more about this thing he keeps calling "math." 

"Two plus two is four. Four minus one is three." Samantha explains.

"Quick thinking." He says as he waits for more answers. 

"Two times eight is sixteen. Thirty divided by six is five." Samantha deduces. 

"Good, good." Tobias gives a short and soft applause.

Math goes on and on until Tobias realizes Samantha is smart enough to make it in school for the most part. Good thing they don't prohibit the use of spirits for help. Next, he asked her to "read" which Samantha wasn't opposed to, probably due to the colorful books. Yet when they got to harder and bigger books there weren't any pictures which Samantha was bummed out about. 

Tamie walks in and sits next to Tobias on the floor as Samantha continues to read about someone called Shakespeare. 

"How's she doing?" Tamie asks.

"Great. She and her spirit have an education good enough to graduate high school actually. At least in math and reading. Science and history, I'm not so sure about." Tobias admits.

"Why is that?" 

"Well if she just has to read then remember it I'm sure she'll be fine, but asking her an open question likely won't get her anywhere." 

"Samantha," Tamie asks and Samantha looks up from the book, "Who was the ruler of Germany in nineteen-forty?"


"Okay, I see what you mean." 

"What molecules make up a hydrogen atom?" Tobias asks.

"A molecule?" Samantha asks even more confused.

"Okay, so she needs history and basic science," Tamie admits.

"Well since she can read we can give her books to study." Tobias thinks.

"Well of course she's going to need actual classroom time as well, we can try and fit her in with the other girls," Tamie adds. Tobias nods his head in agreement. 

"Okay, you can go ahead and color or play with toys for now Samantha, we'll come get you if we need you," Tobias says as he and Tamie stand up. 

"Okay," Samantha closes her book and grabs a box of crayons. Tobias grabs his books and papers and then leaves Samantha alone in her room. 

"I grow tired of these tests and games," Rava says after a long silence during Samantha's time out in the playroom with a few friends.

"Play nice. If we get to stay out here for good it's because I can get you to behave." Samantha says in her head, not missing a beat while drawing an "X" in line with two others. 

"I am a hunter, I don't 'play nice' with anyone," Rava grumbles.

"And that's why dark spirits are locked up to this day." Samantha spits back and Rava snorts in response.

"If I wanted to I could tear any cage to shreds." 

"Then why didn't you?" Samantha's question leaves Rava in silence. Samantha realizes an odd energy stirs, and looks around. All eyes are glued to the television in the corner of the room.

"Two people were found dead this morning after what appears a wild animal killed the pair for sport. While a dark spirit is believed to be at play, doctor Edger Allen Paul, lead scientist on the nature of spirits, speaks today publicly from one of his research facilities." The camera shifts to Doctor Paul standing in front of a podium with several microphones attached to it. From the camera, several flashes and people can be seen.

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