Subject 636

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Surrounded by hills, an old research base sits in the dead of night silent as a mouse. It's well known for studying the many anomalies that happen in our day-to-day lives. Because of this base alone, humans may have advanced a whole five to ten years in a few months.

However in the dead of night, all of the lights flash on, and searchlights sweep the area around the facility. A siren blares and multiple smaller handheld flashlights sweep the many roads and sidewalks of the facility. 

You would think anything trying to enter would be discouraged by the walls, the guard towers, the patrols, and dozens of armed guards. However, this alarm did not sound because something had made its way in. It was making its way out.

Inside one of the many security rooms across the base, this one overwatches the containment area. Multiple scientists also use this room as a way to monitor subjects during their evaluations. One points to a screen with a small girl peeking around the corner of a wall she hides around. One look and they know who it is, and realize how grave the situation is. 

The girl is an average height for her age, she has deep blue eyes and mandatory chin-length cut hair. Her thin lips are pressed tight in concentration. A red tag around her neck indicates that she is a high-security risk, and breaking containment could be deadly. Which is why the tag has a built-in sedative and tracker, one push of a button, and all red tags activate. 

The scientist that first finds the girl quickly types in a command to the console below the cameras. A window pops up that asks for his credentials. He inputs his information, and the computer begins processing. It asks one more time for confirmation to sedate all the red tags in the event of an emergency. 

A somewhat older hand that's slowly become greyer and more wrinkled in the coming years wraps around the scientist's shoulder. The two lab coats stand from the computer.

"Doctor Paul, sir." One scientist says before swallowing a lump in his throat.

"What seems to be all the commotion? I was just settling into my evening nap." He says holding his own hands behind his hunched back. 

"We have a breach, subject six-three-six, a red tag sir." The scientist says as he points to the screen. The girl has moved closer to the edges of the walls locking the facility in. 

"Hmmm, that does seem troublesome." He says scratching his greying goatee which still has a bit of its old black coloring. He carefully considers the situation and how to respond.

"We planned on activating the mass sleep procedure through the red tags." The scientist adds pointing to the final confirmation that was never confirmed. Doctor Paul looks at the activate sequence and the girl who looks to scale the wall to the outside. Doctor Paul hits cancel on the activate sequence and the console shuts down.


The girl leaps from the top of the wall to the outside world and runs the fastest she's likely ever ran. She looks back at the lights that continue to drift in search of movement. The girl digs a finger under the red tag around her neck and breaks it with ease. 

"Subject six-three-six is a quiet and reclusive girl. She's a red tag because of the spirit that inhabits her. However, her behavior resembles that of a green tag if anything. Times have changed Professor Isaac, we as scientists must adjust. Development happens in the wild, observations happen in the lab." 

A steady rumble and a soft roar of a wild animal echo from outside the facility. People turn to the skies in confusion before returning inside for safety. Doctor Paul smiles at the sound and thought.

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