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Rava sits atop a roof. Samantha's anger and sorrow fuel her even in her sleep. Truthfully she had handed over the controls to kill the stranger. She had witnessed it, every painful part of watching a man be ripped to shreds. However before Rava could relinquish control back to Samantha, she fell asleep. Rava now had all of his power to hunt at night at his disposal.

Yet tonight was different. Rava usually hunted for sport, for the fun of finding, hunting, and killing his prey. Tonight however he had the emotions of Samantha unabated. His reason to hunt tonight was to kill the pain they both felt. 

Rava flew through the night and killed everyone in sight. Whether they be in a car or on the street, Rava lashed out at everyone. His kills weren't quick, they were slow and agonizing for the other person. He needed to inflict the pain they felt onto others. Yet with Samantha asleep and unable to deal with these emotions, she felt, the pain never left Rava. There was very brief satisfaction, then pain again. Nothing stopped it, nothing at all. 

Rava continued to hunt, in hopes that something would halt his pain, his guilt, the feelings that weren't his. Five turned to ten, ten turned to twenty, and twenty became forty. Body after body riddled the streets. Lifeless, bloody, broken. Rava killed until he noticed the sun began to creep at the edges of the horizon. 

There was another pair of kills he had longed for for a long time. Two that caused Samantha such grief it was so tempting to deal with them sooner. Yet now, Rava had little doubts Samantha would resist the urge, he would have a kill he longed craved for. Rava controlled his form to under Samantha's clothes and found his way back home. He grabbed Samantha's bag and walked to the bus stop. He patiently waited and got on the bus. When Rava sat he reigned in his powers further, and Samantha now with more control of herself, began to startle awake.

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