A Lil' Massage

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This one's a request from @/PsooiD on Ao3 and Herotoon16 . Terribly sorry it took so long to write this. Enjoy!


Third Person's P.O.V.

The moment Ben stepped through the door, Rook could tell he was in pain. At this point, the revonnahgander all but expected it each time Ben returned from majority of his off-world missions. Still, the sight of his beloved in pain never failed to make Rook frown. From the visible tension of Ben's posture to not so subtle wrinkle of his nose. Ben even winced as he put his travel bag down by so that he could greet Rook with a hug.

"Why so blue?" Ben asked as he wrapped his arms around his husband. The slowness of the action wasn't missed by the revonnahgander.

"You are in pain," Rook stated, gently returning Ben's hug, "I could tell as soon as you stepped through the door. Your back is hurting you... again."

"Nothing slips past you, huh?"

"Not when it comes to you, beloved."

Ben sighed and loosened his hold on his husband. The pair were still holding each other but the brunette was now looking up into Rook's amber eyes. Rook's frown returned as he stared into Ben's green eyes. He could clearly see the pain in them.

"Don't frown," Ben said, "it's not a good look on you."

"And neither is pain on you," Rook replied.

"What do you suggest we do then?"

"Would you be open to a massage?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

"I did not want to assume," Rook explained, "Especially not after last time you came home with back pain."

"Ugh don't remind me," Ben said, laying his head on the revonnahgander's chest. Rook smirked as he peered down at his husband. The brunette's ears were slightly red from embarrassment as he remembered the last time this happened. His reaction to instinctively punching Rook upon feeling hands ghost over his pained back while half asleep was very funny in retrospect.

The pair remained like that for a few moments before Rook eased Ben's head off his chest. He then took his husband's hand in his own and slowly led him along to their bedroom. Once inside, Rook let go of Ben's hand and went into the en suite bathroom to retrieve the peppermint oil from the cabinet.

When he emerged from the bathroom, bottle of oil in hand, Ben was already topless and laying on his stomach on the bed. A low groan left the brunette's lips as he shifted his arms so that he could rest his head on them. Upon hearing the pained sound, Rook wasted no time in climbing up on the bed. He positioned himself behind Ben and popped the bottle open.

"Are you sure you're giving me a massage?" Ben asked coyly as he turned his head to the side to glance back at Rook, "Because it sure sounds like you're planning something else back there."

"Of course you would turn this into an innuendo," Rook replied dryly. The small smirk that played on the revonnahgander's lips made Ben giggle. Rook playfully rolled his eyes at his husband's antics and poured a generous amount of peppermint oil onto his palm. Still giggling, Ben turned his head back to its previous position as Rook carefully set the bottle aside. The revonnahgander then rubbed his palms together to warm the oil up a bit.

"Are you ready, beloved?"

"You're making it really hard not to make another dirty joke."

Rook didn't dignify Ben's statement with a response. Instead, he tenderly placed his hands on the brunette's back and applied a bit of pressure. A pained hiss left Ben's lips but it soon turned into a pleased sigh as Rook continued to gently rub all along his aching back. The pressure that the revonnahgander applied gradually increased as he continued to massage his husband. The frequency of Ben's pleased sighs also increased as Rook worked out all the knots and kinks that plagued Ben's back.

After half an hour of this, Rook stopped his motions. Ben turned his head to the side once again and flashed Rook a blissed out smile.

"Thank you so much, honey," he said sleepily.

"You are most welcome, my beloved," Rook replied with a smile of his own. He picked up the nearly empty bottle of peppermint oil as Ben flipped over onto his back. There were no signs of pain as he completed the movement. The revonnahgander smiled even wider at this as he shuffled off the bed to put back the oil and wash his hands. After which, he returned to the bed only to find Ben already half-asleep ad making grabby hands at him.

"Typical," Rook mused before sidling up beside his husband on the bed. The brunette immediately latched onto him and sighed contentedly. Rook huffed out an amused laugh. and plated a kiss on top of Ben's head. He then closed his eyes and the married couple slowly drifted off to sleep. Both content that Ben's back pain wouldn't be a problem for a while.


Sorry that I haven't updated this fic since February. School has been keeping me very busy these last few months and I ran out of pre-written ficlets. I'm also doing my CAPE exams but they'll be done at the end of June. As of writing this ficlet, I have a couple weeks before my next exam so I'll hopefully write a decent enough stock of ficlets to post cuz I have loads of unwritten ideas. Also, remember that requests are open!

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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