No More Hiding

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This is a follow-up to Chronic. Requested by EtherVoid55 on Ao3. Sorry for the long wait but I hope y'all enjoy!


Third Person's P.O.V.

"When will you stop hiding?" Rook mumbled with a sigh as he watched Ben make the short trek to his front door.

Their date had just concluded and it went just as he'd expected. The date wasn't a disaster. Far from it actually. But for its entirety, Rook couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong with Ben. Has been wrong with Ben. Like he was hiding something. Has been desperately trying to hide whatever was ailing him.

Rook doesn't remember when he first sensed that something was off. But it's been long enough that he knows Ben's tells. The blink-and-you-miss-it winces Rook catches in the corner of his eyes. The nearly inaudible pained hisses. Those increasingly unsteady breaths when they've been standing or walking for just a bit too long. That smile...

If one could even call it that anymore.

Ben's smile had changed so much. It used to be brighter than all of the cosmos. Whenever the brunette flashed one at Rook, his heart fluttered. They made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Oh, what Rook would do to see one of those again. A truly genuine smile from his beloved. A smile so beautiful that it leaves you yearning to see it again well before it falls. One that conveys emotions that go beyond the surface. One that isn't so blatantly forced. A smile that fully encapsulates all that there is to love about-

A crash from inside snapped Rook out of his thoughts.


With that audible yell, Rook threw off his seatbelt and clawed at the door handle in panic. When he finally got a good grip on it, he pushed the door open with so much force that he fell face first onto the pavement. Rook was on his feet in a split second though. Ignoring the slight sting on his cheek in favour of charging towards Ben's front door. Which he discovered wasn't locked when twisting the doorknob.

"Ben?!" Rook yelled again once he stepped inside.

A small whimper from down the hall nearly broke Rook's heart. Ben was definitely hurt. How badly? Rook would find out when he reaches his boyfriend's side. As Rook made his way down the hall, Ben's whimpers got a tad louder with each step.

"Oh, Ben..."

A soft cry left Ben's lip at the soft whisper of his name. Another wave of tears rushing from his eyes to join the tear tracks already present on his cheeks. Ben was lying in a heap on the floor just outside his bedroom door. He was so close to collapsing on his bed and not moving for a few hours but his aching body betrayed him. Leaving him, as well as a vase that was previously on the hallway's console table, on the floor.

Rook couldn't help but frown down at his lover but only for a split second. He then carefully sidestepped the shattered remains of the vase and knelt beside Ben. As he did, Ben curled up further and hissed. Trying desperately to hide his tear-stained face from his boyfriend. It was too late for that though as Rook had already caught a glimpse of the tears steadily streaming down the brunette's face.

A soft sigh of relief left Rook's lips after giving Ben a thorough once over. There were no external wounds from the run in with the console table and subsequent ceramic shards. It was obvious Ben was hurting though. The fact that there weren't any additional injuries made Rook less worried if only slightly.

With that small reassurance, Rook scooted closer to Ben. Once close enough he raised a hand to his boyfriend's face. Cupping Ben's left cheek and wiping away a stray tear with his thumb as gently as he possibly could. The motion coaxed Ben into uncurling himself a little and to turn his head in Rook's direction. Green eyes meeting amber ones.

The pair gazed into each other's eyes for a few moments. A wordless conversation flitting between them. Ben was the one to cut it short by squeezing his eyelids shut. Guilt building up within in him alongside the seemingly endless aches and throbs that permeated his entire body. Ben's eyes snapped open not a minute later as Rook shifted him. Slowly bringing Ben into his arms which was much more comfortable than the floor.

"This has to stop," Rook began, "I can't sit by and wait for you to tell me what's ailing you on your own anymore."

The use of contractions surprised Ben. Although it was a slighter more common occurrence since the pair started dating, hearing Rook shorten words was still startling. Especially when you consider the circumstances under which they slip out. This was definitely one of those times and that only made Ben feel worse. He averted his eyes and bit his bottom lip.

"Ben please..."

Rook's voice broke when he pleaded. Ben could hear the strain in his lover's voice. He didn't need to look back to know that Rook's lower lip quivered. Ben could practically feel the deep-seeded worry laced in those two words. It broke the last of Ben's resolve.

For the umpteenth time that day, tears spilled from Ben's eyes. Despite the pain it caused, Ben jolted up and latched onto Rook. The sudden action causing Rook to fall backwards so he was lying on the floor. Ben holding onto his boyfriend as tight as he could. Almost like his life depended on it.

Through his sobs, Ben told Rook everything. He explained that he had chronic pain. Not officially diagnosed, but research in his limited spare time pointed him in that direction. From the persistent burning pains all over to the stiffness in his joints that he can't always ignore. The fatigue that plagues him as a result of pain keeping him awake and the extreme flare ups like the one today. Ben shared it all.

At the end of his confession, Ben let his head slump forward. Tiredness washing over him from the influx of crying he'd done in such a short period of time. An occasional whimper and pained whine emitted from him as his shoulders shuddered with every shaky breath he took. Rook rubbed circles on Ben's back. Providing what comfort he could in order to help Ben come down from his emotional high.

"Does anyone else know?" Rook asked.

"No," Ben mumbled.

Of course not.

Why did he even ask that question? Rook had a strong feeling that would be the case. It almost always is. Ben doesn't like accepting help from anyone, not even his own family, when it comes to matters with himself. He prefers to hide whatever it is away and deal with it on his own. Look where that's gotten him.

Rook sighed and pat Ben's back twice. Giving him a heads up for his next action. Too tired to resist, Ben loosened his near-death grip on Rook and shifted a bit. Allowing the revonnahgander to bring them into an upright position. Once sat up, Rook brought his hand up to Ben's face again. Cupping his beloved's cheek and lifting his head up. Forcing their eyes to meet once more.

"You have to tell them soon," Rook said, "They are very understanding and they will do whatever they can to help you. I'll do everything I can to help you. Just... Just look at what keeping this to yourself has done. It has caused so, so much harm and it has eaten away at your very core. Do you even recognize yourself anymore? I barely recognize you anymore-"

Rook paused to swallow the lump in his throat before continuing.

"I've missed you so much Ben. So please I beg of you... no more hiding."

"Okay..." Ben replied, his voice low and wavering, "I promise."


Holy shit! I got extremely carried away with this. Just- wow! Note to self, write heartbreaking stuff more often cuz DAMN!

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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