Pride Parade

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It's Pride month!!! Ofc I had to write these two going to a pride parade. Like c'mon! If I can't go to one yet then they can go for me and all our closeted peeps.


Third Person's P.O.V.

"What should I expect?" Rook asked.

"The experience is different for everyone," Be answered as he started painting the pan pride flag on his right cheek, "It's best not to go in with super specific things in mind."

"But certainly there are some things that should be at the pride parade, right?"

"Well yeah," Ben replied, "There's gonna be floats and lgbtqia+ people as well as some allies."

"That is not what I meant," Rook said.

"Then what do you mean fuzzball?" Ben asked as he painted the second stripe.

"I did some research-"

"Rook," Ben groaned.

"I did not want to go into this blind," Rook explained.

"Where's the fun in that?" Ben asked, painting the final stripe, "This is your first pride parade. Going in with preconceived notions might ruin the vibe and you won't enjoy yourself as much as you could have."

"So you want me to stop asking questions?"

"Yes. Everything will make sense when we get there."


"Babe," Ben interrupted cupping Rook's face and drawing him in to touch their foreheads together, "trust me on this."

Rook closed the gap between them with a small peck Ben's lips.

"I would not have agreed to go if I did not trust you, beloved."

"Then let's go."

-page break- 

Music and distant cheering could be heard a few streets down as the couple approached the pride parade. Rook glanced at Ben and could see excitement growing in his eyes. It was a cute look on him and Rook would understand his partner's excitement in just a moment.

"Here we are," Ben said as they finally arrived at their destination.

Almost immediately, Rook's eyes widened and darted around his surroundings. Taking in as much as he could before the parade would begin. Much like Ben, there were others with their flags painted on their face. Whether it be just on the cheek or covering their whole visage. There was a great variety in outfits and makeup looks. Rook made a note of a bisexual shirt he wanted to find after this.

The floats that were getting their final checks were stunning. So were the performers who would be performing on them. Of course, there were pride flags everywhere. Some Rook recognized and others he would research later. There were people with signs scattered about. Some of them simply stated the owner's comfort in their sexuality and identity and others were cute couple things. (Maybe he and Ben should do that next year.) It was a lot to take in but so far, the parade was better than Rook ever imagined and it hasn't even started yet.

"Wow," Rook finally said.

"I told you so," Ben said as he took Rook's hand is his, "Let's go find a good spot."


Happy pride month everybody!!! I hope this pride treats you well even if you have to celebrate in secret like me. Y'all are valid and deserve the best!

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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