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Implied nsfw ahead. If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this one.


Third Person's P.O.V.

"Where did the rest of them go?" Ben asked aloud.

The brunette continued to search the kitchen, making quite a mess. He could've sworn that there was more chocolates than what he found. There had to be. Ben didn't remember throwing some of it away and he certainly didn't eat any. Not after his first encounter with aphrodisiac ridden chocolates three Valentine's days ago. Why do fans still send him this stuff anyway?

"Maybe Rook threw them out," Ben thought, "I'll ask him."

With that, Ben made his way towards their room. The door was slightly ajar when he got there. Letting a small bit of light seep through. Ben grabbed the doorknob and began speaking as he pushed the door open.

"Hey Rook did you-"

Ben froze for a moment as his eyes landed on his boyfriend. He soon whipped around and practically slammed the door closed. Ben pressed his back against the door and slid to the ground. Hands covering his bright, burning face. 

"I think I know where the missing aphrodisiac chocolates went," Ben thought.


Well then... 👀 *ahem*

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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