Couples Costumes

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Happy Halloween y'all! Here's some fluff to cleanse your palette of whumptober if you've been reading any fics from that prompt challenge this past month. I haven't really had the time but I write enough angst to warrant some much needed fluff. Sorry it's short.


"Do you require any further assistance?" the retail employee asked as she gathered up the rejected Halloween costumes to put them away.

"No," Ben replied, "Thanks for the help though. We definitely needed it."

"No problem Mister Tennyson," she said with a small laugh before leaving.

Ben put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet. He glanced around the dressing area in front of the changing booths as he waited for Rook to show him the current costume he was trying on. As the minutes ticked by, Ben's patience began to thin.

"Rook?" he asked, stepping closer to the curtain separating them, "Are you okay in there? Do you need help with any part of the costume?"

"No it is just..." Rook trailed off before sighing, "I love you very much and I would do anything your heart desires but do we really have to go to Kevin's Halloween party like this?"

"Of course we do!" Ben said, "It's our first Halloween as a couple. We have to do couples costumes."

"Going in couples costumes is not the problem."

"Then what is?"

"Why would you choose the Phantom of the Opera and Christine?" Rook asked, stepping out of the changing booth in full costume, "There is nothing romantic about their relationship at all."

"I know that," Ben said, coming closer to fully check Rook out in the costume, "but you have to admit that the outfits are cool."

"I will give you that but was there really no other options you liked?"

"Well there was the angel and devil-"

"We will stick with this," Rook interrupted, his face heating up a bit beneath his fur.

"Good choice."


Some of the pairings I saw while looking for which one to make Ben and Rook do were so questionable like... the people in the pictures weren't thinking when they decided to do that. 

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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