Part 9

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No Matter What.. Part 9

Natalie rubs my bare side under the covers with her head on my chest. She's telling me about the campuses she look at and how much she like some them and so on... It's not that I'm ignoring her I'm just tired and I'm more looking around her room. This is the first time I've been in her room. I mean I've been inside the house plenty of times for our team dinners before games but I had never seen her room before and I've never been here alone with her. It's nice color for her room though. A very pale blue, very common but suits her. Like how Abagail's purple room suits her. I snap back into reality as she gently begins kissing my neck.

"Want to go again?" she whispers in my ear mischievously as her fingers trace along my waist

I nod my head and flip us over, pressing my body to hers. I kiss her deeply and move my hands to grip her ass as her legs wrap around my waist. When she wraps her arms around my neck I lift her up and press her into the headboard. I stay on my knees and press further into her, never breaking the kiss. I'm surprised when she reaches between us to rub my clit. I moan into her mouth and adjust my hand beneath her to slide my fingers inside her hot center. She breaks the kiss and pulls my upper body closer with her free arm, moaning into my neck.

A few minutes later we hear yelling from downstairs that gradually gets closer to the room. We both freeze in place, not moving a muscle and hoping we weren't heard. The foot steps stop in front of Natalie's door and there's a loud knock.

"Nat are you in there??" I hear Kelsey say loudly

"Ya what do you want?" Natalie yells back

"Who's car is in the driveway?"

I decide to mess with Natalie and push my fingers deeper inside her before slowly moving them in and out as I kiss her neck. I feel her nails dig into my back as she takes in a sharp breath.

"It's...uh Jenna..she came by to help me with some.....math" Natalie says struggling to get it out and sound normal

"Umm alright then can you two come help me make some food because the JV team is coming over to eat for our game tomorrow and then you two can leave for your dinner when we're done?"

"S-sure" Natalie says starting to get breathless as I go faster and suck on her neck

After that she starts yelling at Natalie in Spanish about hurrying up so the food is done in time. When it's clear Kelsey is gone and down stairs Nat lets out a long moan into my ear. I feel her begin to rub me again, making me breath deeply and moan softly in her ear while my hand goes faster and harder into her. A few minutes later she bites down on my shoulder to keep from screaming out when she climaxes.

We detangle ourselves from each other and quickly get dressed. When I finish I walk up behind her when she's about to put her shirt on and wrap my arms around her waist and gently kiss her shoulder, holding her tightly. She turns around and gives me a soft kiss before pulling away and putting her shirt back on. While she applies her makeup I run a brush through my hair and make sure it doesn't look like sex hair but my signature brush over. I run my hand through my straightened hair one last time and smile to myself, pleased with how I look. I prefer straightening my hair because I hate my curls, and Natalie's hair is almost always in her curls. I love her curls.

"Ready?" she asks from behind me

"Yup" I say turning around and pecking her lips

We head downstairs and help Kelsey with the food. She gives me weird looks a lot. Kelsey is nice and all but I have a feeling she doesn't particularly like me but I'm not sure why. She's nice to me but she has her moments when I know she doesn't like me very much. Her and Natalie start arguing in Spanish again so I just tune them out and continue making lemonade and tea. I noticed the room got really quiet and I turn around to see them both looking at me.

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