Part 18

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No Matter What.. Part 18

I wake up and try to stretch but feel a weight on my arm. I open my eyes and glance over to see Abagail's sleeping form holding onto it, with her head resting on my bicep. I pull my arm out from under her as carefully as I can. Doing my best to make sure I won't wake her, I retrieve my arm and sit on the side of the bed. I rub my face and stretch before going into the bathroom to wash my face to help wake myself up. As I'm running a brush through my hair I hear my phone going off. I quickly run back into the room to answer it before Abagail wakes up.


"Hey" I hear Natalie say with a smile in her voice

"Oh hey Nat" 

"So are we still on for today?" she asks

"Oh ya of course" I glance over at the clock and see its about ten 'til ten "Wanna grab lunch around one? I just got up" I say chuckling 

"Oh ya that's fine. I got up not too long ago as well"

"Ok cool. So Panera sound good?"


"Alright I'll see you then"

"Ok bye Jenna"

"Later" I say before hanging up

I set my phone back down and look over at Abagail who's still sound asleep. I smile to myself and she rolls over with a slight moan then continues to snore softly. I slip into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. I turn on the iHome and start making some breakfast. I decide to make pancakes with a side of fruit and bacon, and some eggs for Carter as well. Like I said, the boy can really eat. If his parents didn't make so much money I wouldn't know how they could afford to feed him. 

I leave Carter a sticky note telling him I made breakfast and that I stuck his food in the oven. I put me and Abagail's food on a tray and make my way back upstairs into the bedroom. I notice she's still sound asleep so I set the tray on my desk and climb back into bed and lean over her, beginning to gently kiss her neck as I rub her side. She stirs slightly beneath me and as I pull away she looks up at me with a drowsy smile. I softly peck her lips before getting back out of bed. I hear her let out a slight moan from stretching I assume. When I bring the tray over to her she's sitting up and smiling at me.

"I made pancakes with a side of fruit and bacon. I don't know if you drink coffee so I just got you orange juice but I didn't know if you liked orange juice so I got milk too if-" I say beginning to ramble 

She leans over and cuts me off with off with a kiss, when she pulls away she's smiling amusingly. I smile sheepishly as I blush, feeling the tips of my ears heating up along with the rest of my face. She chuckles at me before kissing my cheek.

"Looks like I make you nervous too" she says and continues laugh, only making me blush harder "Anyways this is great, thank you. Oh and by the way, I do drink coffee"

After we ate breakfast and cuddled for awhile...and maybe made out the entire time we were 'cuddling'...she got dressed and headed home because she had things to do and wanted to go to the gym like she does everyday. When she left I saw that I should be leaving to meet Natalie soon and started getting ready, knowing that if I didn't try to look good I'd look even uglier standing next to her.

When I get to Panera I park and decide to wait on the bench in front seeing as I'm about ten minutes early. As I walk over to the bench I pull my jacket tighter around myself as the wind blows. It's starting to get pretty chilly out, and I don't get cold very easily in most cases. When I sit down the wind stops blowing and the sun shines on my face. I close my eyes and tilt my head back, soaking it in and smiling slightly to myself.

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