Part 13

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(AN: Fair warning that this chapter gets quite harsh at the end so approach with caution)

No Matter What.. Part 13

After about maybe an hour and a half I finish getting ready and text Veronica that I'm about to leave. I'm dressed in skinny jeans, a light blue V-neck that shows nice cleavage with a long necklace, and light blue vans. I head downstairs and see Carter looking pretty good in a black button up and jeans. He's looking himself over while running his fingers through his hair in the hallway mirror.

"Looking sexy" I say walking up behind him and giving his butt a squeeze

"Hey, easy there you have to buy me dinner first" he says making us both bust out laughing "Anyways you look really good tonight too"

"Why thank ya Carter" I say doing a little twirl

"Am I taking you?" he asks going to pick up his keys

"No I got a girl to pick up tonight"

"You know you're not being very careful about this stuff anymore..." he says hesitantly "People are starting to talk a lot more than before"

"Then you tell me who those people are and I'll take care of it since you won't"

"Jenna stop. You know I'm always looking out of you and stuff but I'm just saying it won't be just your little secret much longer if you aren't careful about it" he says walking back over to give me a tight hug

"I'll start being more careful again after tonight.." I say with a sigh "I hate this. Why are so many people at our school homophobes..."

"I know it sucks right now but we'll be graduating soon and it'll all get better"

I pull out of the hug and give him a smile before kissing his cheek and walking out. I get into the car and turn on the radio, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to the music. When I get back to Veronica's house I text her that I'm outside and a few minutes later I see her come out the door and lock it behind her before coming over to the car. She gets in and gives me a warm smile. She's wearing a nice layered tank top with a black see through material with a cream color underneath that fits her body well, skinny jeans, and vans. I look her up and down and give her a smile back.

"You look good" I say as I begin heading to Natalie's

"Thanks" she says blushing "You do too"

"Thanks sweetheart. I'm tired of this station why don't you find one you like" Trying to make her feel more comfortable

"Ok" she says smiling as she flips through the stations

We make small talk for awhile then she starts softly humming to the music and tapping her hand on her thigh. I look over at her and she catches my eye so I give her a warm smile. A few minutes later we get to Natalie's and I see it's pretty packed already. I park outside her house and look myself over in the mirror before getting out as Veronica follows suit. I drape my arm across her shoulder and lean down.

"I'm going to show you the best time out of every freshman that's ever existed, every high school party you'll ever go to, and a million times better than everyone's at this entire party." I say in her ear, letting her feel my hot breath on her skin in the cold night

"What's going to make it so amazing?" she asks excitedly but I hear a bit of nervousness

"Oh believe me you'll find out" I say seductively before dropping my arm from her shoulder

We walk up the steps and I open the door and we're blasted by loud music, loud teenagers, and the smell of booze. I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her through the crowd. She nudges me in the direction of the living room where people were dancing. I look down at her to see her smiling as her eyes pleaded with me. I smile back and lead her over to the group of groping, grinding teens and pull her somewhat close to me in the large crowd. She begins dancing then hesitantly begins grinding on me after the first song. After another few songs she gets more comfortable and let's my hands roam her hips and thighs more freely.

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