Chapter 10

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After Matthew left, the evening winded down quite quickly. Stephen and Gina had an early flight to catch so headed to bed just after Isaac and Alice left.

Johnny held Holly's hand and lead her out to the terrace, they began walking round the garden, talking and laughing at one another. Slowly Johnny's arm snaked round Holly's back pulling her close. They found themselves doing a few laps of the garden and Johnny blurted out "Last night, I didn't have any nightmares, in fact it was the best sleep I've had without drugs in a long time." Holly was shocked at his admission but let him continue "Would you stay with me tonight? We don't have to do anything I just want to be able to sleep as peacefully as I did?" Holly's heart broke for the man in front of her. One woman had caused this much damage and it was so sad. "Of course, come on let's go to bed." She said as she took the lead, and grabbed his hand heading into the house.

They climbed the stairs and Holly quickly popped into her room. Changing into her pyjamas and doing her skincare regime, she thought Johnny was in his room but he had wandered back down the hallway and stood at the door to her bedroom. He watched her brush her hair, she caught sight of him in the mirror and asked him what he was doing to which he simply replied "I missed your company" she giggled knowing he wasn't openly this soppy. She finished what she was doing and opened a tub of her extremely expensive moisturiser, she gently put some on her fingers and began rubbing it into her face. "Ahhh so this is your secret?" He said as he wandered over and sat on the edge of the bed. She felt slightly awkward doing her skincare in front of him but then caught a glimpse of his handsome face smiling as he watched her and thought how could anyone feel uncomfortable around him. She decided to play him at his own game. "Why yes Mr Depp, this is the secret." She took a little more on her fingertips and walked over to him, standing between his legs, in her silk short pyjamas, she placed her fingers gently on his forehead and rubbed it in over his face. He closed his eyes and let her continue her mission before announcing proudly she was done. He stood up kissed her and pulled her out her bedroom and shut the door.

They settled into Johnny's room, and got under the covers. Johnny rolled over to face Holly. "You sure you don't think any less of me knowing I'm not a big tough guy? The nightmares come and go but never completely vanish like they did last night." Holly smiled and pushed her hand through his hair. "I still think you're an amazing guy whether you're big and tough or not. You've been through so much. Your mind must be all over the place." She responded. He moved closer to her, and she felt his fingertips on her waist pulling her close. "Well my mind is on one thing right now." He pulled her close and kissed her with such passion her body nearly combusted.

Rudely awoken by an alarm, Holly realised she was not in her bed, in fact she had only spent one night in the beautifully elegant room down the hall. She rolled over and was met with the muscular back of Johnny. She admired the large tattoo on it before reaching over him to shut off his alarm, within one minute the alarm was going off again, this repeatedly happened for a few minutes before Holly nudged Johnny. He groaned and rolled over, this time as she leant over him to reach the loud alarm, her chest in the fairly revealing satin pyjama top she had on happened to be in Johnny's face. She turned the alarm off as she heard him mumble "Now that's one way to wake up my darling!" Holly laid back down. "We have to get up Stephen and Gina are leaving remember?" Holly said. Johnny groaned "Don't speak about them when I'm getting hard for you.." Holly giggled and then realised he was serious, she blushed profusely before he lent in to kiss her. He drew back eventually and said "you're right though we have to get up." They both jumped out of bed after a few minutes, Johnny seemed to have calmed down, and they left the bedroom once he had donned some joggers. Heading down to the kitchen they heard a group of people chatting, and found Sean, Travis, Hilda and the Deuters in the kitchen chatting over coffee. Once Johnny and Holly arrived, the group fell silent. "Morning. What's going on?" Johnny asked, Holly was embarrassed thinking that everyone knew she spent the night in Johnny's room again. Gina bit her lip, and nudged her husband. Stephen looked down at his iPad and then gently pushed it towards Johnny an article was open and the headline read:

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