Chapter 166

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One year later...

"Ok, so we are good to go almost? The benefit is going to raise so much, I can just feel it!" Holly said excitedly from the large dining table. Summer vacation had just begun for the older children, and the Depp's were staying in Paris for a few weeks. Holly had taken a role with Johnny's production company as a charity director, ensuring that the smaller organisations got the awareness they needed. She had organised a few smaller events in recent months, hospital visits in both LA and London but the upcoming benefit gala would be her big debut. It was due to take place in 10 days, at The Ritz Carlton hotel in Paris. Some of the biggest names in the film and music industry had accepted invitations and some of the biggest companies in the world had agreed to make donations and contributions, she was insanely proud of how Johnny always thought of others, no matter what he did, and his dedication and encouragement of this benefit showed how wonderful he was.

Lottie was growing rapidly fast and was now very much on her feet. Johnny had reluctantly given in and agreed to Holly's idea of sending her to a very exclusive independent preschool centre twice a week whilst they were in Paris. Holly was desperate for her child to live as normal life as possible, and to embrace the French living just like her elder siblings had done. Johnny, Lily, and Jack were fluent in French and Holly was almost there so it made sense for Lottie to learn as soon as possible.

As Holly wrapped her meeting with Johnny, Stephen, Gina, Isaac, Johnny's assistant, PR agent and other directors from the production company she stood and thanked them all for their time and offered to make coffee. Johnny followed her into the kitchen. "You ok doll?" "Yeah sorry I'm just excited but very nervous, did I do ok? It was my first time leading the meeting with you there.." "Darling you did phenomenal, I can tell the team are so happy with your efforts." "I'm just doing my bit, plus I need to earn my obscene salary don't I?" "Darling your pay is reflective of you and your talents." "I know I just feel so bad every time I get paid knowing we don't technically need the money." "Hey you're the one that wanted to stay independent!" Johnny chuckled swiping an apple from the fruit bowl.

After everyone had left, Holly sat down on the couch enjoying the peace. "So Lily should be back from her shoot tomorrow, have you heard from Jack?" "Yeah he told me he wanted to stay with his mother again tonight. I think they are visiting Ness' mother for dinner." Holly nodded before scrolling on her phone. "I hope she's ok!" Johnny said and Holly immediately knew what he was referring to. "Lottie is fine, she loved it last week, Travis and I had to blackmail her with a snack to get in the car!" Holly said giggling. "She's getting more and more like Jack every day." Johnny said smirking. "And look what a well turned out boy he is. This is good for her I promise, she needs socialisation with children her own age, and some independence." Johnny nodded before going back to tinkering with his guitar picks as Holly leaned back on the couch.

A few hours later, Holly heard her name being called, so she slowly opened her eyes. Startled she sat up "God how long was I asleep for?" She asked confused. "A few hours, you obviously needed it." Johnny said putting a cup of tea in front of her. "Thank you." "Maybe I wore you out too much last night... sorry!" He said chuckling. Holly rolled her eyes. "I doubt it Mr Depp... you know I can never get enough of you." "I'll say... you've been begging me for days. Is it that time soon?" Holly's eyes widened at the embarrassment of being called out about her horny hormones. "Maybe.." she shrugged before continuing "maybe I just have a sexy husband who I desire.." Johnny smirked "Can I come with you to get Lottie?" "Of course. She would love that..."

Much later on, Holly was cooking dinner whilst Johnny was occupying Lottie, who was having great fun running round the large kitchen and dining space with her dolly in her hand. "Daddy is gonna get ya!" Johnny said as he pretended to run after his daughter. "Dada" the little girl squealed making Holly smirk, she added some garlic to her pasta sauce when all of a sudden she felt bile in the pit of her tummy. Excusing herself quickly she ran to the nearest bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach. It didn't last long and she returned after cleaning her hands and rinsing her mouth. Johnny noticed she looked a little pale upon her return. "Doll?" "Sorry I just threw up.." Holly said quietly rummaging in the refrigerator. "I knew it! This chicken went out of date two days ago! For fuck sake." She grabbed the pack of pre cooked chicken and dumped it in the food bin. "Didn't you eat like half that on your salad at lunch?" Johnny asked scooping Lottie up and sitting her on the island which he was leaning on. "Yep! Bloody loads of it." "Never mind it will pass babe. Want me to finish dinner?" "No honestly it's ok it's done now. Can you get her into her highchair?" "Sure thing. Come on Angel."

The next morning, Holly awoke early. She often found once she woke she never could get back to sleep, a million things for the upcoming benefit were running through her mind from which dress she was going to wear to how many security officers had been hired. As she sat up to grab her phone to begin a new list, she felt nauseous again. She quietly ran to the en suite and sat on the floor besides the toilet. Although she felt queasy, nothing came. Eventually she stood and opened the drawer grabbing her skin care whilst she rummaged around, she felt her hand grab a box, she pulled it out from the back and saw it was a pack of unopened ClearBlue pregnancy tests. Her eyes widened. She had always had a little stock of tests after their scare the first year they began dating, so it wasn't unusual to find them in the en suite of their various homes, however what did shock her was it made her think back. When was her period due? Surely soon? She hadn't had one in what felt like forever, not that she enjoyed them but it had been a while. Thinking back and doing the maths, she last remembered having it towards the end of April, she remembered because she was incredibly hormonal and her and Johnny had bickered a lot for a few days resulting in major make up sex over American Mother's Day weekend when the elder kids were with Vanessa and they had the house to themselves once Lottie was down for the night. Her eyes widened, with Johnny's birthday the week prior, that meant it was almost 7 weeks ago. Surely not?

Without hesitation, Holly took the test. She left it on the side and paced around the en suite. They both wanted another child, she knew that, and Lottie would make a wonderful sibling but how had this happened again? They hadn't even been trying? They had agreed and stuck a pin in the idea until Lottie was at least two. Crikey she wasn't even out of diapers yet. She paced, asking herself many questions in her mind, but the most dominant thought was the overwhelming desire for the test to be positive.

She knew Johnny would be excited, but how would things work? She had only been in her job just under a year. Surely the production company wouldn't be happy if she just waltzed off on maternity leave so quick? She didn't have time to come up with much of a plan though as she noticed the screen flash with a result.

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