Chapter 174

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"I'm gonna be sick!" Jack called out. "Now?!" Travis asked panicked and Jack nodded covering his mouth. "Pull over!!" Holly exclaimed from the front passenger seat. Travis did so, as Jack jumped out and was immediately sick in a nearby bush. Holly jumped out and began rubbing the boy's back. "Better?" She asked and he nodded. She grabbed her water bottle from her handbag as he climbed back in the car. "Small sips." She said as Travis took a deep breath. "What's up with you?" Holly said concerned redoing her seat belt up. "I don't feel so good." "What?" The woman said shocked before Travis jumped out the car and threw up too. Holly's eyes widened. "Oh fuck." She whispered jumping back out the car. "Are you ok?" "I'll be fine.." "Go get in the other side, I'll drive us home." Travis nodded wiping his mouth before Holly began the drive home.

They pulled up on the drive and both Jack and Travis jumped out and rushed into the house, both heading to separate bathrooms to empty their stomachs once more. Holly carried Lottie in and put the television on for her with her favourite cartoon. At least that would keep the two year old occupied for a while. "Trav? You ok?" She called out. "Yeah sorry.. I don't know what's wrong." "I hope I didn't make you sick." Jack said nervously coming out the other downstairs toilet. "Maybe it's a bug?" Holly said cautiously, "Maybe." Travis said. "Go change into some sweats and take a guest room Travis. There's no need for you to be alone in the staff quarters when you're feeling rough. I'll get Lenny to bring Lily home." Travis nodded not having the energy to argue with her as she sent Jack upstairs to change too. Grabbing Lottie she took her to her bedroom and changed her out of her nursery clothes to something more comfortable. Within minutes her cell phone rang. This time it was Lenny.

"We've got an issue Mam. Miss Lily-Rose is completely green. She's got a bad tummy and feels very nauseous."
"Holy fucking Christ. The whole house has it." Holly replied.
"I'm bringing her home but then Mr Sean has sent me on a few errands is that ok?"
"Of course Lenny thank you."

Holly hung up and felt Lottie's head. She felt warm but other than that she didn't seem off colour. She hoped that would remain.

Holly grabbed her phone and dialled Johnny. She hated disturbing his work but she knew he would want to know his children were sick. It rang and rang, so she hung off and sent a text.

Hey babe. Kids are down with a sickness bug. So is Travis. Lottie seems fine for now, just thought I would let you know. I've collected Jack from school, Lily on her way home now. Hope you're feeling ok. Love you lots x x x

Two hours later, John SNR had fetched cups of coffee for himself and Sean. "He's a fighter isn't he?" "He used to be, I guess he's realising how much he has to lose." "True. I've never seen him so worked up before. I knew he should have told her what was going on." "Well he's done what he thinks is best, we can't go against his wishes." "I guess not.. I can't believe they said the surgery could take 5 hours. That's crazy." "It's a delicate area. Knowing my son he would rather they took 10 if it means they do it properly."

Holly had got all the patients into their respective bedrooms, and was returning to check on them. She had cold bottles of water handy, knowing that rehydrating was important. She stopped off in Lily's room first. The teen was tucked up under her duvet almost asleep. The woman placed the bottle of water gently on the bedside table and headed out when she heard "Thank you Hols." Quietly. "It's ok darling. How are you feeling?" "Still rough. I feel like I could be sick again at any point." "Oh sweetie hopefully it will pass. Call me if you need anything ok?" "I will." She then went into Jack's room who was on the floor curled round the toilet in his en suite. "Oh poppet. Still chucking up?" "Yes it's disgusting." He said weekly. "I know it's hard, but keep trying to take in some water it will make you feel better." He nodded as she helped him stand and get back into bed. Lastly, she knocked on the guest bedroom door where Travis was. He was lying on the bed with a cold flannel on his face. "You look like shit." She said lightheartedly. "I feel it. Where have we picked this up from?" "Fuck knows but it's ransacking the house." "God I hope Betts gets his ass back with Johnny tomorrow. Otherwise we're fucked." "It's ok I'm doing alright by myself." "But you shouldn't have to." "Just worry about getting better. Here's some more water, and let me know if you fancy dinner?" "Fuck no. Thank you though. I don't want to eat anything." He mumbled.

Holly made her way back downstairs and walked into the living room where she had left Lottie watching Frozen for the millionth time. She was shocked to see her little girl sat on the rug looking up at the Tv rather than singing and dancing, she had a miserable face and vomit down her front. "Oh good god." Holly said rushing to her daughter. "Poppet. Why didn't you call Mummy?" Lottie just burst into tears so Holly picked her up and headed straight up to the family bathroom and plonked her baby girl into a bath. "Well you hate being left out don't you darling."

After cleaning up the youngest Depp child and tucking her into bed. Holly laid beside the toddler, allowing her to snuggle in beside her. She picked up her phone and saw no response from Johnny which she thought was strange. It had been a couple of hours now. He might be busy, but usually when it concerned his children he stopped everything. She decided not to worry though and drop him a text with the latest update.

Lottie down too. Maybe it's a good thing you've gone away for a couple of nights. Missing you as always. All my love. Your girl x

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