Chapter 33

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Johnny POV
We are all bundled back in the bus heading back to the Walton's. Grace really thinks of everything, the girls have instantly changed into flip flops that she handed out from a bag at the front of the bus, and we found bottles of water on our seats. It's been a really amazing evening, and I've loved spending time with my girl's family and friends, I am so proud of her too, I saw her really work her magic tonight. She's so generous with her time, and really seemed to enjoy the work. I make a mental note to include her in the next meeting that comes up about my charity work.

Stephen and Gina are sat in front of us and are turning round, Gina seems to be buzzing about the social media posts we are going to send out to promote the charity. She's discussing other options with Holly who agrees to speak with her mum tomorrow. Adam and Ben are chuckling in the back row again, getting up to god knows what.

Holly's mum stands and turns leaning on her seat, "Right my lovelies, your father and I have reserved the glasshouse at Seasons tomorrow for brunch as I don't want to do a big lunch for everyone I want to socialise with our guests!" She points to me, Stephen & G. "Table is booked for 11am don't be late!!" We all nod like children and continue our conversations. Holly explains the glasshouse is a private area at a lovely independent restaurant close to her family home and somewhere they often frequent. She immediately turns to me and assures me it's private, my girl is always worrying.

We pull up to the house and all pile inside, I wave off security and light a cigarette on the front steps. Michael joins me "I hope you enjoyed the evening Johnny?" He asks, I nod and offer him a light. "It was wonderful, you have a beautiful family and must be very proud of your wife's achievements." I say. He lights his cigarette and passes me my lighter back. "I am, yes I feel very blessed especially evenings like tonight when I look out and see you all laughing and joking together. All I've ever wanted is for the children to be happy." I nod, sharing the same sentiment for my children. Our silence is broken by loud music blaring from the house, Michael turns "Looks like the party isn't quite over yet!" He stubs his butt out and hides it in a flower pot that's hidden behind a larger one. He catches me watching "What Grace doesn't know won't hurt her!" He says and enters the house. I take a few moments to finish my smoke, pulling my phone out I message the kids, telling them I miss them and love them before I too enter the house.

Holly POV
As usual, the party is being continued. My entire childhood, our house was always the party house, I think it's because mum always loves to host. Currently we are all in the Vortex, or the kitchen as it's formally known, a nickname that was given years ago because everyone loses all context of time. I jump up and sit on the kitchen side, as Mum hands various drinks out, Adam and Ben are both fighting to look in the fridge for food. Nicola is connecting her phone to the speakers, something mum insisted having built in when she had the kitchen re done. Hannah brings in bottles of spirit from my Dad's bar and piles them onto the kitchen table. Gina and Stephen approach me, I ask "Are you guys having fun? Please feel free to go to bed but I don't think this lot are giving up anytime soon!" Gina giggles. "It's been a great evening hols, thank you, we are all good!" Stephen hugs me "Honestly we had so much fun, your parents are amazing. I'm happy to continue the party." I smile "I am glad you guys are here, I really am." We are joined by Dad & Johnny as Adam pulls out various cheeses and snacks out the fridge putting it on the table, "Come on help yourselves everyone, no formalities here, you're all at home and it's midnight!" Mum giggles. Everyone gathers round and picks at the food, Ben gains control of the music and plays some disco cheesy 80's music and pulls Hannah close to him to dance. Something else the large kitchen is famous for. Impromptu dancing. I giggle watching my brother twirl his fiancé round. Before long we are all up dancing and giggling. I sit up on the kitchen side again and sip a bottle of water when Johnny joins me, he stands next to me leaning on the side. "I can't wait to bring the children here." He says quietly. I look at him and smile. "Really? Why?" He kisses my cheek and says "Because they will feel so at home, this is such a great family, and everyone is so welcoming." I smile proud of my family. "Mum will fuss over them so much, they better be warned!" I giggle.

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