16 (II)

393 11 2

Rock me tonight for old times sake - Freddie Jackson

''would you, baby, hey.
rock me tonight,
for old times sake.''

'Room 3B, clear.' an Agent exclaims through the comms.

'Alright, I'm heading down.' Amelia whispers softly as she holds her gun up, ready for attack.

She, Fury and some of the remaining SHIELD agents have been taken down HYDRA agents and bases for about a year now.

Amelia hadn't really spoken to any of the Avengers, having to stay of the radar. She had talked to Clint and Natasha a few times off the radar, old school spy stuff.

The young Stark freezes as she hears a faint voice in the background and quickly shoved herself against a wall.

Propping up her gun she slowly walks into the room, looking left and right as she goes before her eyes fall on someone in the middle of the room. Thor.

'Thor?' Amelia exclaims and the man turns to her with a surprised gaze before a grin shows up on his face.

'Amelia!' He exclaims happily while waking towards the woman. Thor lifts her off the ground and crushes her in a hug, spinning around in the process.

Amelia happily hugs her arms around the god before he puts her down. 'What are you doing here?' Amelie breathes out.

'We are looking for Loki's scepter.' The god says in his heroic voice. Amelia nods, of course the scepter was in a HYDRA base. 'We?' Amelia asks confused before someone else enters the room. Clint.

'Clint!' She exclaims running up to him and crushing him into a hug. 'You're here to?' She asks confused before she hears someone voices through Clint's comms. Her father.

'Dad..' she trails off. 'Oh my god!' She suddenly exclaims. 'You guys are having reunion without me?' The brunette asks, playfully offended.

'We tried to contact you, but you didn't answer to our.. signal.' Clint explains, deciding to call it a signal.

'Wait, is everyone here?' Amelia asks and Thor nods. 'What are you doing here, Amelia?' The god asks.

'Me and Fury have been taking down some HYDRA bases after SHIELD broke down.' She explains.

Amelia puts her hand up to her earpiece. 'Hill, the Avengers are here.' She states. 'The Avengers?' She asks confused. 'Looking for Loki's scepter.' Amelia explains.
'Alright, copy that.' Clint says, removing his hand form his earpiece. 'Base is clear, scepter isn't here.' He says making Thor sigh in disappointment.

'How many bases have you had?' Amelia asks. '5, no luck yet.' Thor tells Amelia and she nods.


'All I'm saying, you haven't even tried to contact me.' Tony says in disbelief to his daughter, who's sitting across him.

'I told Jarvis! Are you going to tell me that something you created, is broken?' Amelia asks playfully making Tony look at her with furrowed brows before quickly getting up.

'I didn't tell Jarvis.' She grins to Maria.

All the Avengers and Maria Hill are now on a quintet on their way to the Avengers Tower.

5 minutes later Amelia is helping her father and Banner with research to find the scepter.

'Why didn't you guys retour the tracing program to match Strucker's increpment codes?' Amelia suddenly asks, making the two gentlemen glance at her with a slight perplexed look on their faces.

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