30: Captain America: Civil War

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It wasn't me - Shaggy, Rik Rok

''it wasn't me.
even caught me on camera.
wasn't me.
saw the marks on my shoulder.
wasn't me.''

'I swear!' Sam practically yells as Amelia walks in the common room after their morning training.

The young Stark grabs some orange juice out of the fridge before turning to the rest of the team, being the last to come down.

'Swear what?' Amelia asks a little confused, it's not until she meets Steve's insanely nervous gaze and Clint and Natasha smirk, that she starts sensing somethings wrong.

Amelia quickly smiles at her parents, seated next to each other at the table, before looking back at the Dog happily sticking his tong out.

'Hey, Milo.' The brunette says in her 'squeak-voice' as Clint called it, like she always does when talking to the puppy.

'Swear what?' Amelia asks again when she gets no answer, everyone thinking about Sam's story, or busy with their breakfast.

'Sam says two people were having sex in the storage closet yesterday.' Tony grins as he points at the falcon.

'Yeah, I was just walking in the hallway to grab some more alcohol and I just heard them, very loud woman too.' Sam chuckles.

Amelia's stomach twists and she nearly drops her carton of juice, managing to catch it with her force field at the last second.

'Oh.' The brunette tries to say casually, not meeting anyone's gaze. 'What'd you hear?' Bucky asks with a grin.

'Not a lot, just moaning.' Wilson snickers back until a look of remembrance crosses his face.

'Wait, I also heard the woman scream something along the lines of Captain!' Sam suddenly exclaims and everyone turns to look at Steve with a shocked face, Natasha, Clint and Bucky easily playing along.

The Captain nearly chokes on his drink and his eyes widen. 'Don't look at me!' He exclaims, everyone still looking at him suspiciously.

'Really, Rogers?' Rhodey exclaims loudly. 'No!' Steve quickly defences. 'Whatever, leave the guy alone.' Tony says with a snicker, making Steve let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

'Thank you!' The Captain exclaims happily, thinking Tony was helping him. 'Don't pry him, we'll just watch the security videos.' Tony finishes while shrugging, making both Amelia's and Steve's heart drop.

'No!' Amelia says a bit to quickly, making everyone look at her confused. 'I-I mean are you seriously going to watch two people have sex.' The brunette quickly corrects.

'No, we're going to watch Rogers and a random woman have sex!' Clint says playfully, making Amelia glare at him.

'It wasn't me.' Steve whines again. 'Right, who are we kidding? He's so definitely a virgin.' Tony snickers, making everyone hum in agreement and rule out the possibility that it was Steve.

'But I do wanna know who it was.' Sam simply states, opening up a laptop to check the tapes.

'No!' Amelia says again as she quickly walks over and shuts the laptop, Milo
happily following her as he waggles his tail. Sam looks at her very confused. 'What is up with you, when this happend at the Christmas party with those agents you were all over it.' Suddenly, realisation crosses Wilson's face.

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