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See you again - Tyler, Kali Uches

''can i get a kiss?
and can you make it last forever?
i said i'm bout to go to war,
and i don't know if i'll see you again.''

Amelia, Sam, Steve and T'Challa exit from a black van, while Bucky was being transported in an airtight, fully barged container.

'What's going to happen to him?' Steve asks Sharon and some agents hastily.

'Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition.' Everett Ross answers.

'What about a lawyer?' Steve tries. 'Lawyer, that's funny.' Ross snickers. 'See their weapons are placed in lockup.' He tells Sharon.

'We'll write you a receipt.' Everett says with an evil smile when some agents walk by, carrying Steve's shield and Sam's wings.

'I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that.' Sam says sarcastically, making Amelia chuckle lightly before they get moving.

Steve takes one final glance at his best friend, both of them sharing a depressing look as Bucky sits locked up in his cage, restrictors around his neck, arms and ankles.

'You'll be provided with an office, instead of a cell. Now do me a favor, stay in it?' Ross says a few minutes later as Natasha Romanoff walks towards the four.

'For the record, this is what making things worse looks like.' The redhead says to Steve with a light smirk, regering to a conversation they had earlier over the phone.

The five of them enter a room with Tony in it. Sam, Amelia and Steve stop while T'Challa walks away.

'Consequences? you bet there'll be consequences.' Tony says overly fake. 'Obviously you can quote me on that, I just said it. Anything else?' The billionaire says sarcastically after a few moments of silence.

'Thank you, sir.' Tony says before hanging up the phone. 'Consequences?' Steve asks.

'Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted. Had to give him something.' Tony replies as he points between Amelia, Sam and Steve.

'I'm not getting that shield back, am I?' Steve questions with a smirk. 'It's governments property, wings to.' Natasha banters back before she walks away.

'That's cold.' Sam says lightly. 'Warmer than jail.' Tony replies sarcastically before he removes Amelia from her cuffs, which restrain her powers.

'Ah, thank you. Those things were squeezing my arms.' The young Stark smirks before giving her father a small hug.

'Did you really have to do that?' Tony asks with narrowed eyes. 'What can I say, I am my fathers daughter.' Amelia replies with a smirk.

30 minutes later, Amelia sits in the room, watching the security tapes of Bucky as Steve does the same thing from the other room.

The two were separated from each other by some agents, much to the dismay of the couple.

Amelia's deep in her thoughts, the last few days have been a lot. With Bucky and Steve and the accords, not to mention her parents had recently taken a break.

The brunette sighs deeply before some raised voices grab her attention, her Dad and her boyfriend.

Amelia watches through the glass walls as Steve madly puts down a pen, one she knows as her grandfathers.

'She's a kid!' Steve yells and Amelia's sighs knowing what it's about, she just heard about Tony locking Wanda in her room.

'Give me a break!' Tony finally yells back. The rest of their conversation remains calm, which causes Amelia to not be able to hear what their saying.

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