Hello Brasil

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I awoke to bright lights and realized I was in the hospital and beside me was my brother holding my hand. "Your awake" he said smiling "How long was I knocked out for?" I asked "A couple of hours" he said "I need to get away from Madrid for awhile" I said "Where are you gonna go?" He asked "To Brasil I have friends there" "I'm sorry about our argument earlier" he said "Me too" I said.

I had finally landed in Brasil and I'd be staying with my friend Rafaella and her brother Neymar. "I'm so happy you finally made it" Rafaella said as she greeted me at the airport. "I know I'm so excited so be in Brasil" I said getting into the passenger seat. "I have so much stuff planned for us to do" she said "Good cause I need the distraction" I said as we pulled up outside the house she shared with her brother. "You have a nice house" I said as she showed me around the place. "Hello you must Chanel" Neymar said as I entered the kitchen. "Yes, and you must be Neymar" I said "Yeah and how come my sister didn't tell me she had a friend as beautiful as you" he said and normally I would have feed into his flirtatious remarks but, I'm not over the situation with Gareth and I don't know if I'll ever be. "Let's go get ready for the pool party?" Rafaella said dragging me into her room. "A pool party?" I asked her "Yeah Neymar invited some of his teammates over" she said "ok cool" I said shrugging my shoulders as I searched through my suitcase for my bathing suit. After sorting through my luggage I finally headed out to the pool to meet Neymar's guests. "I mean Neymar you told us she was beautiful but wow" a guy said that was sitting next to him in the pool. "Thanks and who are you?"I asked "I'm David Luiz" he said shaking my hand "Nice to meet you" I said "And this is Thiago Silva, And Marcelo" Neymar said. I greeted each of them and went to the end of the pool where Rafaella was waiting for me. "How are you doing?" She asked me "I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders "It seems that my brother has taken a liking to you" she smirked "No offense but I'm not interested" I said "I understand it's too soon" she said. She went back to the other end with the guys while I stayed behind and just enjoyed the view. I couldn't stop thinking about Gareth and what we could of had but I gotta let him go but I don't want to.

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