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In the pal of stuff sitting on the floor was a necklace that Gareth had got me on our anniversary. It even was inscribed almost exactly like mines. Here I am thinking that Gareth was sleeping with his agents assistant and it's been Cassie this whole time. I got her phone but it had a passcode but I easily figured it out. There were dozens of emails from her and Gareth back and forth. They were discussing their affair and when and where to meet up.

I got what I needed from her purse and I just left the rest on the floor. I shed a fear tears but I quickly wipe them away. She doesn't deserve for me to cry because of her I thought.

A few seconds I hear a gentle but loud knock at the door and I went to answer.

It was Miguel.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"You've been crying." He said as he came in and closed the door.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna talk about it." I said as we walked into the other room which was the adjoining suite which was separate from the other one.

"Are you okay?" He asked as we sat on the sofa in front of the fire place.

"I will be." I said as I crawled on top of him.

"What are you doing? Your married." He said.

"No I'm not." I said taking off my wedding ring and placing it on the coffee table.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I said and he kissed me which turned into a full make out session and we would of taken it farther if it wasn't for Mother Nature.

The next morning I woke and I was cuddled into Miguel's chest.

Last night was fun and I don't regret it I thought. Miguel and I just sat in front of the fire place eating strawberries dipped in chocolate, drinking champagne, and making out.

I checked my phone and I had tons of missed calls from Cassie and Gareth but I just rolled my eyes and turned my phone off.

In the wake of this commotion, Miguel woke up.

"Good Morning, beautiful." He says kissing me on the lips.

"Good Morning." I said getting up and gathering my things.

"So what happens now." He asked as he put his shirt back on.

"What do you want?" I asked as I placed my hands on his hips.

"I wanna see you again." He said smiling.

"I can make that happen." I said kissing him as we headed out the hotel room. The clean ladies were waiting to clean.

Holding my heels with last nights bed hair and Miguel at my side I felt alive for the first time in a long time.

As we entered the elevator, Cassie was exiting.

"Chanel?" She said surprised.

"Cassie." I said.

"I was just coming to get my purse." She said.

"Yeah everything's poured out on the floor you better hurry before the maids get it." I said smirking as the elevator doors closed in her face not giving her time to respond.

"What was that all about?" Miguel asked looking confused.

"Oh that was just my ex best friend Cassie she's been sleeping with my husband." I said as we exited the elevator.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He sighed.

"Yeah I was too." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"So I'll see you soon." He said kissing me.

"You will." I said smiling.

I got into my new Ferrari that Cris had gifted me and drove home.

There I found Gareth sitting on the couch with some papers and a bottle of Jack sitting on the table in front of him.

From the distraught look on his face I could tell he had opened my gift from me that I had sent through the mail.

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