Chapter 8 - Betrayal

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Chapter Eight - Betrayal

After another quick cardboard breakfast, we set off in search of the entrance to the mountainous base.

It took us all day to find the hidden entrance. Another snowstorm had moved in after lunch time, making it more difficult to find it. The hidden hatch had a box next to it and Ian placed his hand inside of it. Within seconds, the hatch opened up and Ian led me in.

"It's a bio scanner. That way only our kind can enter. Anyone else who might just happen to find it would not get in," Ian explained as we walked down a poorly lit corridor. "Now, once inside the main facility you will feel different. It's a simulated atmosphere of our world recreated for comfort."

Oh great, I thought to myself. More reasons to hyperventilate and faint.

We came to another bio scanner and it opened a triple layer, two-foot thick, solid iron door. I had to close my eyes at first because of the bright blue hue the lights took on.

"Your eyes will get used to it. This is the natural hue of our world." Ian took my hand to help guide me where we were walking.

Once I was able to see again, I froze. Ian pulled my hand but I did not budge, so he turned around to see what the matter with me was.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"It's so huge," I cracked as I looked out across the scene.

We were inside an entire mountain range that was hollowed out for what looked like several large cities. We stood on top of a stairway that led down to elevators and other transportation devices. I had no idea what they were but they looked very sophisticatedly complex.

We walked down the stairs and entered an elevator. Ian pushed the very last button on the board of unfamiliar writing.

Once the doors opened, we walked through another long, open, corridor. I could see tall buildings that didn't look like any building I ever seen.

These were made out of different material it seemed and even some were made within the mountains largest stalactites. It was astonishingly amazing.

Ian had to pull me along a few time because I would try and stop while gawking at new things.

I began to hear people talking and once we were out of the corridor I saw them. It was an entire sidewalk full of people, dressed way differently than we were, walking along and going about their business.

That was until they saw Ian and me. I scrunched up closer to Ian self-consciously and held on to one of his arms with both of mine.

A few groups stopped to talk amongst their selves as they watched us go by. After a few minutes, four men, whose uniforms resembled a police man's uniform, approached us.

"May we help you?" The older looking one asked.

"I'm Ian Grant. I have come to see the Monarch."

"Right this way," the older one spoke again.

Two were in front of us leading the way while the other two followed behind. I didn't like being flanked and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable, like I was being led to jail or something.

I realized that by now I would be hyperventilating in this situation but I wasn't. I was breathing as normal as could be.

I looked up to Ian several times but he ignored me as he kept his eyes on the two men in front of us. That made me worry even more and my stomach began to churn.

We finally came to a long vehicle that in my opinion resembled a roofless golf cart. After climbing aboard we were driven to what looked to be the center of the mountain range.

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