Chapter 9 - On the Run or on the Fly

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Chapter Nine - On the Run or On the Fly

We ran and stayed in between buildings. We dodged patrols and hid in shadows. We tried to not be seen by regular citizens too but ended up running into a few that too were hiding. They looked frightened and Ian reassured them they would be alright and to continue to hide if they felt the need to do so. I saw how they looked to him for guidance and that made a strange swelling pride build within me. It took several hours to reach Williams and he indeed was waiting for us.

A farmer looking guy with greasy overalls stood near a white picket fence as he coolly chewed on a strange yellow stick. I rolled my eyes at the sight. He obviously stood out and I had to wonder if he knew he did.

Ian made a strange animal like sound and Williams shifted his eyes to tell us to go around to the side. We ran and met the greasy farmer in the darkest part of an alley between a cozy looking home and a large barn.

"Ready," Williams throaty crackly of a voice sounded.

Ian nodded and we were ushered once again through a secret door. We hopped on a very tiny elevator that didn't look safe and was lowered deeper into the earth.

"Now, the Tesh will see several ships take off at once, planned by Eleanor, and of course her March Ship. We have planted explosives on that ship so, once it reaches the main base entrance it will explode. You will then travel through the debris and make your escape. If they have ships on the other side waiting they will not know which one you could be in if they think you were not killed in the blast," Williams explained as we continued down the elevator shaft.

"Wait, debris? Like fire and metal?" I was panicking again.

Ian took my hand and squeezed it.

"I know how to fly Macy," he looked calmly into my eyes and even though he was probably hoping I would calm down I didn't.

Once the elevator stopped, Williams let us off and wished us good luck. "It's all ready for you. Everything you might need is on that ship. Eleanor ordered it stocked as soon as she heard you arrived," Williams explained and then winked as he shut the elevator door again.

Ian pulled me along again and we entered a large cavern. He switched on a light and I gasped in awe. It was the most beautiful flying vehicle ship I had ever seen. Of course it was also the first one I had ever seen up close and personal.

We ran and entered it quickly. I followed Ian after he let go of my hand, as he made his way to the controls. He took a seat in what I am guessing was the captain's chair; if that was even what they called it. I knew I still had lots to learn.

As he pressed in keys and maneuvered across the controls, a holographic projection of controls and meter like readings appeared in front of Ian's face. I stared in amazement of the other worldly technology.

He began to expertly maneuver things in midair with precise accuracy. I sat in a seat that was slightly behind him and to his side. I sighed to myself when I remembered I didn't have Midnight with me. He had made this journey with me all this way and now wasn't going to be able to finish it with me. I felt a tear escape down my cheek and Ian noticed quickly.

"It's alright, Macy," he said gently.

I heard a light hum and looked frantically around.

"It's alright Macy," he repeated and this time stood up and took me into his arms, pulling me up from my seat. "It's just the ship powering up," he murmured in to my hair.

I stuttered out the real reason I was sad, "Midnight."

"Here, sit," he let me go and led me to a seat next to his. "You see this panel?" He pointed and looked to see me nod my head yes.

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