U.A Chaos Chat Part 2

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CockadooBird - Present Mic

🔞 - Midnight

InsomniacButterfly/Catnap - EraserHead

PewPew - Snipe

Vortex - Thirteen

BuffSkeleton - AllMight

KissToHeal - R.G (Recovery Girl)

TonyStark - PowerLoader

BlackFaceSmile -Ectoplasm

RatSatan - Nezu

BobTheBuilder - Cementoss

LittleListener/ Kitten  - Izuku


The Next Morning 

Izu pov: 

Yesterday was interesting?.. At least they let me stay! Well... they will until they figured out I'm quirk-less then they'll just kick me out or maybe cyber bully/ bully me. Like my so called 'friends' are doing. At least Kacchan cares for me!... Well he only cares if i'm acting different he also bullies me..and!.... He told me to take a swan dive.... I'm heading 'home' right now well home isn't the right word.. more like HELL im heading to Hell right now. With my father abusing, burning, sexually assaulting, experimenting on me and more... Why The HELL DOES GOD HATE ME?! Y'know why not go a different route? The other one is blocked anyways... I was attacked by the sludge villain and all might saved me by Detroit smashing him.. just my luck... and just to add on I was left on a freaking rooftop with no securities and my Idol F*CKING SMASHED MY DREAMS! Welp... just my f*cking luck today....


U.A Chaos Chat

CockadooBird, InsomanicButterfly, 🔞,LittleListener is Online

InsomanicButterfly: Who is the Kid?

🔞: Oh! Loudmouth added him in instead of Kan!

CockadooBird: HEY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!

InsomanicButterfly: How many times do I have to say, stop. Yelling. And. Using. CAPS!

CockadooBird: >:( Meanie

LittleListener: Good afternoon! Oh! Hello InsomanicButterfly!

InsomanicButterfly: Thats too long to type, kid. 

LittleListener: Then how about... Hmm... Catnap!

InsomanicButterfly: Catnap?..

LittleListener: yea! Since you are an Insomniac and I assume you like to take naps. Plus cats always like to take naps! So it fits!

LittleListener has changed InsomanicButterfly's name to Catnap

Catnap:... Y'know what.. I'll changed your name

Catnap has changed LittleListener's name to Kitten

Kitten: :O Thank you! (/^w^)/

🔞: Too Pure TnT

Kitten: I'm tired right now..

Catnap: Well then why don't you go to bed?

Kitten: Huh? i'm didn't mean it like that!

Catnap: Then what did you mean?....

Kitten: I- ..

Kitten is Offline.

Catnap: Now imma need to call him problem child..

Catnap is Offline.

Everyone is Offline.

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