U.A Chaos Chat Part 4

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The love birds i love them like srsly anyways yea (me)

CockadooBird - Present Mic

not4moraleyes - Midnight

Sleepycat - EraserHead

PewPew - Snipe

Vortex - Thirteen

BuffSkeleton - AllMight

KissToHeal - R.G (Recovery Girl)

TonyStark - PowerLoader

BlackFaceSmile -Ectoplasm

RatSatan - Nezu

BobTheBuilder - Cementoss

Sleep?Whosshe? - Izuku


U.A Chaos Chat

CockadooBird: Nvm it's next morning he came back.. False Alarm

Sleepycat: Sorry @Sleep?Whosshe? If i worried you or scared you sometimes I get too angry or worried and become like that.. but i calmed down.

Sleep?Whosshe?: It's no worries! (✿◠‿◠)

Sleepycat: I wasn't done.. Are you ok at home? School?town? Mentally?Emotionally?Physically?

Sleep?Whosshe?:.. I'm sorry but I don't I'm...I.. Im sorry I can't...I..

Sleepycat: Don't worry. Just.. tell us when your ready..ok?

Sleep?Whosshe?: Yea.. it's just.. 

all my friends are toxic all ambitionless. 

So rude and always negative. I need new friends but its not that quick and easy. 

Oh I'm drowning let me breath. 

Oh you don't know how it feels it to be alone. (I LOVE LOVE THAT SONG)

I wish I could make you know.. know~

Sleep?Whosshe? went Offline

Sleepycat: ... We should leave he/she/them be.. Everyone Offline. NOW!

Everyone is Offline


Next Morning

U.A Chaos Chat

Sleep?Whosshe?: I'm happy today ●‿●

Sleepycat: Why? if you don't mind me asking?

Sleep?Whosshe?: Well first its a weekend no school and second my cat finally warmed up to me enough to play with me today! ヽ(^◇^*)/

Sleep?Whosshe?: Heres a picture!:

Sleep?Whosshe?: Heres a picture!:

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