U.A. Chaos Chat Part 8

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I wanted to do 2 today so HERE WE WERE BACK AGAINNNNN.... AGAIN anygay yea plus might be some angst like I said in part 6 I DONT KNOW TF IM GOING INTO so yea hope ya'll enjoy oh and HAPPY 400 READS SPECIAL :D

Aizawa P.O.V:

Izuku..He's a.. special kid to say the least. As it was 11:22 when he woke he was sleepy so I put him in our(me and mic's) guest bedroom I put some items on his nightstand for once he woke up:



Color pencils



Cans of Paint that we didn't use

Glass of water

As I soon went into bed and heard the keys as Mic knows not to scream this late at night but I guess he forgot because he screamed and I quote "I'M HOME MY LOVEEEEE" And that woke Izuku up I quickly went into the guest room and calmed him down as he was showing signs of a panic attack I then went to mic who's taking his hero costume off telling him that we have a guest and it's a child he soon asked me "A child?..Are you finally liking children now Shouta?~"

 I responded saying that, that kid was special but he was off point as to since you woke him up that he had to meet him now. So I went into Izuku's room and he was so excited once he saw Mic he ran up to him and asked what felt like a million questions per second. As to he then turned around and saw the stuff on there and his eyes sparkled he then ran to me (Leaning against the door frame) And hugged me he then went onto the bed and instead of taking the notebook he took the sketch book and a pencil. I told Mic to leave him be as to he would probably fall asleep within 30 minutes..... 

Boy was I wrong It was 5:34 am as I wake up to Izuku in the kitchen making a cup of coffee but he looks like he got a full 8 hours of sleep but when I took him in he had puffy eyes and eye bags.. He then waved at me then went back up the stairs and went into his room. I then followed and look to see a masterpiece painted on one wall and 3.75 of a painting finished on the other I looked back to the actually finished one memorized at how it looks as I asked him how he did this? He then told me that he did a sketch in the sketchbook then he had the idea to paint it on the wall..I asked if I could look at the sketch he showed me it:

I asked if I could look at the sketch he showed me it:

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I then looked back at the wall:

I then looked back at the wall:

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