U.A Chaos Chat Part 7

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While I was at school today I had the feeling something was gonna go wring if I didn't post part 7... SO HERE WE ARE WERE BACK AGAINNNN😁

Aizawa's P.O.V:

I took him to the (my) house and I patched up some bruises he had and few cuts and burns he had on his arms it looks like he had scars but they were in a perfect match of his skin tone so I couldn't really know.

But I do know is that I'm worried for the kid. Since I thought it would be impolite of me to just take off his clothing and out on new ones I had waited till he woke up. But during the time I  Cooked a common soup in Japan named: Udon, As I made sure it was well cooked.:

It looked good and tasted good as I was hungry myself from the work so I made a bowl for myself

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It looked good and tasted good as I was hungry myself from the work so I made a bowl for myself.

As I soon came back I started to see his eyes fluttered open panicking but soon called down once he saw me as I placed the food down he looked at me for a good 2 minutes. To be honest his eyes are beautiful well not as beautiful as Mic's but still. 

His eyes were the hue of the new spring growth, bright and soft all at once. There were flecks of strength, of the kind of green that comes only as summer advances. There is a kind of green that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh wands of grass and new buds, and his eyes were that bright colour, bold and beautiful....

DAMN NOW IM TALKING LIKE THE KID... I ain't complaining though he seemed too,... Latch onto me rubbing his kind and gentle energy onto me as he sings and talks about poetry between bites.

Luckly Mic had patrol today so i couldn't hear him scream about how the boy was here and how adorable he was...But whoever made him beaten up this way Is gonna pay..

He finished his food I washed the dishes..

He told me more about himself but when he told me his name it clicked in my head of why he wa at the beach..


"Thats kinda personal between me and someone but..."

It made sense he is the kid from the group chat no wonder he sang songs no wonder he spoke the wise world of being an hero that doesn't have much fame...He is the person from the group chat an wise and kind-hearted individual that looks like getting abused or bullied by his reactions...

As I stare into his eyes once again now just seeing the hint of trauma and depression...Although If i was to tell him now who I was in the group chat it would be immediate chaos... I should keep it to myself for now... I'm just happy I get to see My Kitten personal this time...

Sorry it's short! It's Monday so I have school tomorrow plus homework so yea anygay I'll TRY to post daily anygay hope you guys have a good day!

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