U.A Chaos Chat Part 6

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In case any of your curious minds are wondering what the beach looks like 👍 also I don't know wtf im heading into to so don't be mad when I dont put warnings bc I forget, idfk

Third Person P.O.V?:

The Next Morning

Aizawa placed a letter near the trashcan honey was at, he told Izuku that it would be there, and he didn't lie, once Izuku found the letter he read it. Want me to show you?... Too bad because I like to see you suffer anyways!

Izuku opened up the G.C and once he had done so he read the Letter once again. Happy that he found someone to talk to, but only things he was comfortable with talking about.

Note(Yes I saw you suffer long enough):

Dear Izuku Midoriya / Midoriya Izuku,

As since you are comfortable sharing some stuff about yourself I thought it would only be fair if I shall do the same. As you seem like a very kind hearted boy.

Name: Shouta (Not comfortable sharing last name)

Sex: Male (Should be obvious)

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Gay

Likes: Cats, my boyfriend (as you saw in the chat), my annoying friends (except you, you aren't annoying)

Dislikes: Dogs, self pity heroes, my annoying friends (except you)

Age: (Personal for now)

Quirk: (Also personal)

As I did put some stuff about me I won't expect you to do the same as I am just regarding you that I'm not dangerous. 

Hope you write back soon

            Sincerely, Shota

As I looked at the G.C once again and clicked a button that said:

Create new group chat

I added whom I believe was the name Shota? His Icon was red signaling he was offline. As I sat on the sand near the oceans wave and relaxing sound as the dolphins chirped and waves hitting over each other as the sun settled...I started to sing(RAP) my favorite song out of an american musical I liked, the only reason why I liked it is because of 3 reasons.

1. It's a history type musical (Guess it ;)

2. i fucking love the songs

3. The secondary actors/actor can fucking rap.. I love that one song, Guns and Ships (A little hint ;)

As I started to rap my favorite part out loud:

"I'm taken this horse by the reins makin'Redcoats with bloodstains


And I'm never gonna stop till I make 'emDrop and burn 'em up and scatter their remains, I'm


Watch me engagin' em, escapin' emEnragin' emI'm


I go to France for more funds


I come back with more GunsAnd ships And so the balance shifts

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