U.A Chaos Chat Part 5

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Ummm i honestly don't know what to put buts heads up: ⚠️slight SLIGHT nsfw⚠️ ⚠️bkdk(bakudeku)⚠️ if you don't like that then leave just don't post hate comments  I also decided to remove power-loader, ectoplasm, Snipe and cementoss because I won't  use them

CockadooBird - Present Mic

not4moraleyes - Midnight

Sleepycat - EraserHead

Vortex - Thirteen

BuffSkeleton - AllMight

KissToHeal - R.G (Recovery girl)

RatSatan - Nezu

Sleep?Whosshe? - Izuku

Izuku pov:

I was walking from school, going into a different path unlike the rest because my bullies would take those routes.. Then I felt something touch my arm as i looked behind me I suddenly got pushed back onto a wall, startled I started to mumble and stuck out my tongue as I was quite mad for whoever did that, I knew it wasn't my bullies.


 Until I felt soft lips pressed against mine the person holding them there for at-least 15 more seconds until they pulled their lips off and I heard who it was. The rough voice saying "Don't stick out your tongue like that at me, unless your planning to put it in my mouth..." I immediately blushed. He then pushed his lips back against mine and instead holding it there for 30 seconds only stopping to breathe. I couldn't talk as he did that 2 more times until he actually stopped. "K-kacchan?.. Wha-" he pushed his lip's against mine again until he shushed me and walked off... TGIF (THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY)


To be honest i never shared this with anybody but i actually liked him ever since he gotten his quirk... That was my true happy day...


✨Time Skip✨ (10:00 p.m)

U.A Chaos Chat


Sleepycat: ??? Wtf?


not4moraleyes: OMGGGGG who was the lucky girl?!!?

Sleep?Whosshe?: Oh umm..

(Aizawa trying to deflect the question)

Sleepycat: Hey kid! Thanks for giving me honey back

Sleep?Whosshe?: Oh! no problem! She didn't have enough trust in me anyways.

not4moraleyes: Soooo.... WHO? :D

(Aizawa trying to deflect it AGAIN)

Sleepycat: Since you put enough trust in me how about I' ll leave you a note at the beach tomorrow?

Sleep?Whosshe? :O YESSSS! Imma go to bed now goodnight!!               ('○`)~ゝ

Sleep?Whosshe? Went Offline


My apologies that it's short I was tired and just got my ✨Lady days✨ So yea.... BYE!

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