4 🌺

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" you had one job which is protecting my son yet you failed * the prime minister yelled slapping the guard standing in front of him * fucking useless * he kicks his leg * get rid of this idiot " he ordered the other guard who dragged outside the trembling old one to his miserable fate ,

Coz only one word of these powerful people and your career is over , no one will  ever hire you

The rage man was completely aware that it was his son mistake since he insisted to hangout that night without bodyguards but he took out his anger on the poor guards anyways

" Namjoon-shi " Hoseok knock the door

" Come in "

" Min yoongi is here " he stepped inside with a blonde guy who has blank expression , he is the head of the private missions team that the prime minister created for his own undercover business .

" Yoongi , from now you will be guarding  Taehyung , you have to stick to him all the time and never leave his side , just like his shadow "

" yes sir "

" you can go now " Hoseok demands while the man nod and left them

" We have a problem " he gives the tablet that was opened on a new article to Namjoon

" This motherfucker journalist again " the short tempered man sighed

" he belongs to the opponents party , it seems like he was digging around , secretly investigating about the lands issue "

Namjoon clench his fist " And where have you been when he got his hands on the informations ?! Are you aware that next month the public evaluation will start , if that bastard leaked more to the media I'm gonna lose my fuckin position  "

Hoseok stare down at the floor for a second ashamed of facing the angry man that is staring at him

" I'm sorry * he walks closer * and don't worry I'm not gonna let this happen , im ready to do anything for you * placing his hand on Namjoon's arm * i will contact his agency to take down the article and i will personally meet up with him to offer him money and if he rejects i will make sure they fire him "

" Finish this matter fast * he ordered * did you find the ones chased after Taehyung ? "

" yes and we can negotia--- "

" get rid of them "

" But ... "

" Tell Yoongi to do it quietly "

Hoseok sigh uneasily having no other choice but to obey or else Namjoon is gonna be upset

" Yes sir "

" is there anything else ? "

" its about the near by village land that you want .. the men * referring to the private missions team * are struggling to buy it .. they said the family keep rejecting the offer  "

" bring me informations about the family , i will definitely find something to push on them like the rest of the other villagers , i have to put my hand immediately on this land , its the best choice for the special plants after the old land get damaged , i cant waste more time , the suppliers are waiting " .

The next day , Hoseok entered Taehyung's room looking for him as soon as he got up

getting uneasy feeling upon checking the empty room

" Where's Taehyung ? " he asked one of the guards that was guarding the halls of the huge sized mansion

" Taehyung-shi is in the garden sir "

Hoseok run rapidly passing through the many rooms inside the mansion , heading to the private garden that was forbidden for anyone except Taehyung and their trustworthy private team

Entering the pin code to the huge basement inside the garden that looked amazing from the outside with some of the most colorful flowers

" Hobi you came at the right time " Taehyung grin from ear to ear at his best friend once he entered

" What have you done ? " Hoseok questioned walking to the horrific yet familiar scene where four men were chained on chairs

They were beaten up by Taehyung bleeding heavily, with shortage of breath pleading to be spared out

" can't we just hand them to the police ?! "

" No way ! The police will investigate and then they will get to know about the lands matter " Taehyung take the gun Yoongi was holding that was standing there watching impassively

" Let Yoongi take care of them " Hoseok took the gun away handing it to Yoongi again

" Let's go ? * Hoseok placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder accompanying him outside * I'm hungry .. Let's have something before the political convention start * he checked his watch * hurry up we have an hour left "

After Taehyung held the conference , he returned back home with his father and best friend frustrated upon the reporters whom kept cornering him with troublesome questions all the time

"  we must find a quick solution in order to shut up the media about the lands issue "

While Namjoon instructed his son , Hoseok's eyes landed on the closed file placed on the table with a small part of someone's picture popping out of it

He grab the file raising his brow checking the picture

" Isn't that the same guy who rescued you ?! " he leans closer showing Taehyung the picture

" Yes , what's his picture doing here ?! "

" What a coincidence ! * Namjoon marvel *  apparently this guy's family own the land that we are trying to get for the past two years "

" What ?!!! they are the owners ? do they even know the value of such a big land ?! Are they dumb ? They could sell it and live in luxury for the rest of their life instead of the nasty peasants life they are living  * shaking his head disgusted * guess poverty suits them * closing his nose with two fingers * Pfft, Just the talk about them made me recall their kimchi smell "

" Aren't you exaggerating ? * Hoseok put the picture on the table glaring at his best friend * he saved your life, somehow you owe him .. and let me be honest this guy is good looking * he pointed at the picture * and decent too ,he didn't accept the money i offered him "

Taehyung stare at his best friend with wide eyes like if his whole world is breaking crumble apart around him

" I guess something happened to your eyes  "

" Taehyung I'm not kidding he seems like a good person "

" I don't give a damn "

" The business is gonna get affected badly if Namjoon-shi didn't get the land as soon as possible "

" I got you ... Maybe we just need to get rid of this guy's fathe--- "

" that's not what i meant ! Listen * grinning gently at Taehyung * as you know the next month will be the public evaluation .. we should be prepared .. Don't forget that we need to clear our image after that bastard journalist made an article about the unfair treatment the villagers are getting being kicked out of their lands and linked it to the prime minster .. Taehyung , you saw what happened today in the conference .. maybe we denied the allegations but that's not enough .. we need them to completely believe that Namjoon-shi has nothing to do with the lands matter , we need concrete evidences for them to see "

" How does that has anything to do with that guy ?! "

" You should marry him "


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