19 🌺

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Taehyung's mother notices that since the wedding ceremony, she didn't come across Jimin even by coincidence , she was concerned about it so she called Yoongi to her room to ask him about Jimin,

He didn't hesitate for a second to reveal her son ignorance towards his husband , how he refuse to stay with him in the same room, lying about over work and how isolated is Jimin spending the whole time inside the room ,

It was time for dinner and she headed to the newly married couple room to meet her son in law,

When she entered inside , she notices her son absence , the way her son is acting weirdly , hiding away from his husband baffled her but she believe he is nervous since marriage is something new to him ,

" Mrs kim ... * he doesn't actually know how to call her * i didn't know you are coming * he gets up from the couch instantly fixing his messy hair with his finger * i would have prepared myself if i knew you are coming .. I'm sorry i don't look presentable " , he was a little confounded , everything is super new to him , staring at the floor due to embarrassment ,

She approach him with lovely grin , patting his shoulder gently , " You don't have to be formal with me .. First you should call me Mom and second you already look beautiful without any preparation " ,

Jimin looks up to the good-hearted lady , smiling warmly at hearing the word " Mom " which he misses a lot since his mother passed away , thrilled to her praising words ,

" Now let's go and have dinner " ,

He nods excitedly rushing to dress up and went to the unreasonably huge dining room with long table that is full of food equipment, expecting to be eating a feast but to his disappointment when he took a seat and the housekeeper served the dishes ,

He kept staring at the thick mushy purré green soup in his plate dumbfounded , having no clue what is this dish ,

Maybe it tastes better than it looks , that's what he guessed , holding the spoon and digging into the food ,

He takes a spoonful of the green soup shoving it in his mouth and that's when the blend earthy taste hits him , it almost felt like he eat a whole tree with it own branches , the grassy flavor made him had hard time to swallow it , he closes his eyes and gulp hard ,

" Are you okay ? " , his mother in law wonder when the poor guy's face turns pale ,

" Hmm I'm fine " , he forces a smile , embarrassed to reject the food , it definitely considers rude if he done something like that in front of her ,

He holds the spoon again , fixing his spaced out gazes on the plate ,

" You don't have to force yourself .. I know Broccoli soup is not a common dish in Korea .. but its so famous in Italy as in this house they only serve healthy and westren food .. " ,

" Its okay i will eat it .. I like to try new things " ,

he lied chuckling , eating the food without complaints while the lady felt great empathy with him , since she herself is fed up with this kind of food already ,

When they done with the dinner , Jimin rushes back to his room , drinking a lot of water and eating any snack to change the odd taste of the green soup ,

" why can't they eat kimchi and rice like every normal korean person ?! At least some clear broth with noodles * he whines sadly * how will i join her tomorrow on breakfast !!" ,

He slept after a long time of over thinking , waking up the next morning all freshened up , hoping to find at least soft boiled eggs on breakfast , he has been eating healthy snacks for four days and he is already starving ,

Love Or Obsession 🌺  'VMIN' MPregWhere stories live. Discover now