26 🌺

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" What the fuck are you planning ! " , Taehyung breaks into Hoseok's room ,

" The heck ?! you scared me ! " , the confused guy jumps out of bed due to surprise ,

" You told Jimin about my favorites right ? I'm sure its you , how else would he know ?! " ,

" Yes i told him , what's wrong with that ? " ,

" Why ?! " , he yells ,

" he asked me and he is your husband its not like I'm telling some stranger about your liking ! " ,

" What for ! " ,

" To help you build a good relationship with him and develop your marriage cause that's the right thing to do now that you two become husbands , you should stop ignoring him and you better treat him nicely .. i'm trying to help you ! " ,

" Excuse me !! You are talking as if me and him had the best love story before our marriage !! i don't get it ! Don't we just need him for the fuckin land ! " ,

" I know , but don't you feel sorry for him ? " ,


" Will you stop shouting please , i worked for fourteen hours today and im already dying , i didn't get a chance to rest for a minute , so can we sit and talk without fighting for once ? .. please ? " , he begs his best friend , guiding him to the couch once Taehyung starts to cool down a bit ,

" Hoseok , i always feel forced to do things that i don't want to do it and this marriage is one of those things , i have to like things that i hate , i have to talk and act in a certain way all the time , i never got the chance to choose what i like or speak what i believe, my whole life is planned by my father and it pushes me beyond my limits , I'm tried of being taken for granted " ,

" i do understand that your life as the son of the second powerful man in the country is hard , however , your father always directs you because he cares about what's the best for you .. Yet Jimin, has nothing to do with all that .. Huff .. How to explain this for you ? Whether i came up with the idea of the marriage or no , your father would take the land no matter what .. so i thought if you marry Jimin , the one who saved your life without waiting for anything in return, would make the damages less hurtful .. i only went to their house few times and i can tell how good people they are .. I didn't want them to end up like other farmers .. I mean the moment we will take their land , you can make it up for him , i don't know how maybe love , money or whatever " ,

" You think I'm stupid ? * he scoffs * you only came up with these fantastic ideas in order to please the prime minister , don't try to fool me , you don't feel any empathy for anyone , that's why i hate talking to you , such a manipulative shit * he got up * you better stop butting in my life , and don't try to help again because this is your last warning " ,

He left the room , heading to his favorite spot where he can be himself and have all the fun without troubles .

" Hyung , where have you been , its been a month " , the young guy with a satin robe on , covering his semi naked body , entered the car , 

" I'm sorry im so busy lately , is there anything new ? " ,

" Hmm , last time he came here , this guy .. His Best friend followed him and let him signed a bunch of papers again .. it keeps happening from time to time " ,

" papers ?! did you check it ? could you get any information? * he shakes his head disappointed * even if you checked it , its not like we can get those papers , they don't even allow you to bring anything inside the room or else you would have at least take some pic-- " ,

" Hyung do you think im dumb ? i know that every information about him is so important for you , i was well prepared last time " , he winks opening the robe showing off his bare chest ,

" What the heck are you showing me ?! " ,

" Don't you notice anything different ?! " ,

" What ? Nipples piercings ? " ,

The younger smirk , taking off the nipples earrings ,

" Hyung you are so old to know such tricks * he hands the earrings to the older * everything is recorded here its a mini camera piercing heheh .. I have to go now .. he is gonna be here anytime soon " , he gets out ,

" Holland .. take care of yourself please " ,

" don't worry about me " ,

The young stripper enters inside the club again , preparing himself to be ready for his regular customer .

A few days has passed , and that's all it takes Jin to come up with an idea for helping the prime minister ,

As the powerful man told him , he will be meeting him again in the same room inside the hotel , so Jin has no other choices rather than waiting for him ,

" Finally our schedule is done for today *Hoseok let out a sigh of exhaustion * Now we should head to the hotel to meet Mr. Paul " ,  he speaks to their way to the car after heading out of the national assembly building ,

" You go back home * Namjoon stops his secretary before getting inside the same car * take the other car , i will go by myself " ,

" What ? Why ? " , he wonders considering the first time the prime minister attend a meeting without him which is strange ,

" because i said so " , Namjoon enters the car leaving behind the baffled one ,

Jin jumps out of bed hearing the knock on his room door , expecting no one ,

" Prime minister-nim !! * his eyes widened the moment he opens the door * please come in " ,

The older went inside ordering his men to guard the door outside ,

He notices how stressed was Jin , fixing the dressing gown he is wearing , moving his hand on his hair to set his messy hair ,

" Stop it, you look pretty fine " ,

It didn't take Jin a second to smile timidly,

" Thank you sir , your compliment is such an honor for me " ,

" hmm , about the lan-- " ,

" Ah yes the land .. i came up with a perfect plan * he starts to speak excitedly as if he was waiting for this moment for years * the family gather every Friday to spend the whole day together so Thursday Park-shi spend the whole morning at home preparing food and wine for the next day while Jihoon has school and Jungkook meet up with his friends , and as long as Parkshi is home alone , it will be easy to make him sign the assignment of property " ,

" Won't he read the papers before signing ?! " ,

" Ahh he has myopia , he can't see that clear without glasses so maybe send someone that he trusts , and their mission will be easy to make him sign without needing the glasses " ,

" Someone like who ? " ,

" hmm maybe his son in law ? " ,

Namjoon face lights up with a satisfied smile , " what a cunning boy you are " , he approaches the younger , patting his cheek gently making Jin electrified ,

He leans close smooching the older's lips , showing his amazing sexual skills .


I don't think anyone wants a smut chapter of Namjin 😁
Right ??

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