25 🌺

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" Are you fuckin yawning ! " Taehyung kicks the leg shin of one of the bodyguards guarding his room ,

" S--sorry si-r " , the guy holds the pain apologizing with shaking voice ,

" What the heck should i do with your apology you scum , you are here to protect me not to doze off " , he kicks the same place again causing the guy to fall on one knee due to pain ,

While Taehyung was brutally scolding the guard , Jimin was astonished to watch his gentle husband who seems to be always caring becoming so cruel ,

it wasn't the first time to witness such a scene , two days ago Taehyung spilled the tea on the floor twice because the servant didn't brought it hot enough to his liking , causing her to clean the floor twice in such a short time ,

But Jimin is ready to justify all his husband actions all the time , maybe Taehyung is under an extreme stress due to over working and he needs to be pampered ,

But since Jimin doesn't really know what exactly his husband like and dislike so he needed some help ,

" Hoseok-shi , can i talk to you for a second ? " , he knocks on the door ,

" Jimin-shi , is everything okay ? " , he opens the room door worriedly when he hears Jimins voice ,

" Ahh everything is fine * he draw a soft smile on his face * i actually need your help with something " ,

" Sure , come in please .. would you like some coffee ? " , he offers placing an espresso capsule inside the machine ,

" That's so sweet of you .. hmm i would like to try .. i didn't have the courage to try one of these strong coffee since i came here .. heheh I'm only used to instant coffee with milk and sugar " ,

" it's okay i understand " , Hoseok chuckles handing the other one the coffee ,

" Thank you * he takes the cup * .. i don't want to waste your time .. Actually I'm here because i want to ask you about everything Taehyung likes .. Preferences .. Colors .. Food .. Drinks .. Hobbies .. Everything and anything .. I'm so interested in learning more about my husband " ,

" What a great partner ! Now i envy Taehyung * Hoseok compliment * well .. I will tell you but not before you take a sip of the coffee " , he purses his lips together trying to hold his laugh ,

" You evil * Jimin giggles taking a sip of the espresso * woo * cough * gosh * cough * its like the whole bitterness of the world is put in this cup !! .. * he wipes his lips with his hand disgusted with the taste * i hate it " ,

" that's what real coffee tastes like " , the older laughs ,

" No thanks i would rather stick to my unreal instant coffee " , he puts the cup on the table ,

" Fine .. About Taehyung .. Mm .. How to say that .. Even though he is my best friend .. Its so hard to tell what he exactly likes but there are some clear things that i know he likes .. for example , western healthy food , he prefer to drink red wine over the white one , he likes sexy figures too , sugary odors , jazz music , gentle lights , his favorite color is black , ohh and most importantly he likes flowers , he even has a whole garden in the palace for himself but for your information no one except him is allowed to be inside " ,

" Amazing ! That's really helpful , i appreciate your help Hoseok-shi , thank you " ,

" You are welcome and please drop the formalities , we are the same age anyways " .

Jimin rushes to his room , preparing every single thing that Taehyung likes , he ordered the guards to bring him roses , wine , western sweets and even play jazz music ,

Love Or Obsession 🌺  'VMIN' MPregWhere stories live. Discover now