Chapter 15

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I woke up screaming my head off. But I wasn't in my room and I wasn't laying in Oliver's arms. No I was standing in a long corridor with horrible screams coming from each dark end.

"Oli?! Oli?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Nothing happened so I debated which way to walk.

"The left sounds like murder the right sounds like torture. Where do I go?" Whispers were coming from the right. So I turned that way, took a deep breath and started walking.

"What is this fucking place?" I said into nothingness. After what seemed like years of walking I reached a big dark door. There was a lock on it though. For a reason that I'm not sure of I put my hand which was soaked in blood but I didn't even flinch on my neck. And of course there was a key on a rope. I pulled off the rope and opened the door. But I wish that I hadn't.

In front of me was Oli's lifeless body hanging from a noose that was tied on the ceiling fan in the middle of the room. He was only there for a couple of seconds before he disappeared. I ran to the noose and started crying. Dozens of roses soaked in blood fell from everywhere. A voice told me to pick one up before it was too late. I didn't care. In my mind Oli was dead. My world was dead. The room went pitch black but one light flickered every few seconds. At first there was nothing there. Then a little girl was there. She got closer each time, before she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in my stomach.

As soon as the blade came in contact with my flesh I woke up. I actually woke up. Oli was laying next to me but he was awake.

"Zoey!" He screamed. Apparently I was screaming in my sleep for the past twenty minutes. Oli hugged me as I cried and told him what happened. He let me go after awhile and kissed my head.

"I don't think you want to go back to sleep. Its not a great idea." Oli suggested before turning on the lights and sitting with his legs crossed in front of me.

I put the blanket around my head because I was fucking freezing, then I sat with my legs crossed. I poked his face and then fell onto him and just laid there. He laughed with me and called my little Sammy on the bed. She sat right next to us so I reached over and pet her gently.

Random time jump to 3 weeks because I have no idea what to write*****

Its been almost a month since that horrid dream and I haven't gotten much sleep since. Let me catch you up, no family member wanted to watch over me for two years so I'm in the Foster program now. I've been in it for a week and a family just signed up to Foster me. I have already given Austin all my weed, alcohol and cigarettes because I can't get in trouble for that shit.

Oli promised to take care of my Sammy for however long I need him to which might be a year. My birthday is in two days. As much as Stacey and Julia and Oli wanted to have me stay with them, I just couldn't. I didn't want to be a pain to people I know. So why not ruin other peoples lives instead?

The family with the last name of Dawson came to take me to their home. A mother and a father named Ryan and Holly and their two kids Dean and Cassie just arrived at the main place. (please forgive me I don't know much about Foster care I just watch the show.) They we're very nice from what I saw but never trust anyone.

Me being the awkward fucking potato I am just stood next to the wall and stared at my feet. They made me change my hair color because they said "no one wants to Foster a child with funny hair colors." So I let them wash out. They were fading anyways.

They helped me with my bags, (there's only two I got rid of a lot of stuff, but my aunt bought the house and I can keep most of my stuff.) But when they tried to take my bookbak I poliety said that I'll get it. It has the clothes I took from Oli in it, I don't trust a soul. They said that they would let me keep my phone but I couldn't go on the internet until they get to know me more.

Oh goodie this should be loads of fun more people in my life.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever I just never have time. I hope you guys like this chapter and my edit. It seemed appropriate for Zoey's personality. Anyways I'll try and update more but because of my father I have a limit of four hours of internet everyday. So sorry! Love you guys. P.s sorry it's so short I have no inspiration.

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