Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning in a room that I was too familiar with and a sleeping Oliver laying next to me. I don't know how many times I've waken up before Oli but I know its not many. He stirred in his sleep but he didn't wake up so I crawled on top of him.

"Oli." I poked his face. He mumbled something but didn't open his eyes.

"Come on Oli." I pinched his cheeks like your grandmother would at a family party. He mumbled something again but still didn't open his eyes.

I sighed and put my hair in a ponytail and then pinched his cheeks again but this time moving his face. I leaned down and kissed his nose then his cheeks and then his lips. I kept my lips on his for a few seconds before I felt him kiss back. I moved away as soon as I felt him kiss back.

"Oh you are just cruel." He said in his Adorable morning voice. I just laughed and winked.

"You know it babe." I kissed his forehead and laid back down next to him putting my head on his chest. He just laughed and kissed my head before wrapping his arms around me. Oli wasn't wearing a shirt and he was only in his boxer shorts. I remember falling asleep in the car fully clothed but now I was only in my bra and underwear.

"Do you enjoy seeing me in my underwear or something?" I looked up at him. He just shrugged.

"Well I know you don't like to sleep in jeans so I wanted to help." He smiled weakly.

"Oh Well Thank you." I put my head back down on his chest. We were enjoying each others company in silence.

"So what do you want to do today?" He broke the comfortable silence but I wasn't complaining.

"Umm I need to get my Christmas shopping done can we go to the mall?" I did need to get Oli and Sammy gifts.

"Okay let's go to the mall." He smiled and started to get up. I just pouted and asked him to help me. He gave me the "are you serious?" look but it was adorable because I knew he wasn't mad. I held up my arms and waited for his assistance then stood up and stretched. Oli was putting in his shirt and looking for his jeans.

My clothes were in a pile on the chair in front of his desk so I went over there and got dressed. I slipped on my jeans and slid on my Falling In Reverse shirt. I messed with my hair for awhile until I thought it looked decent.

"Hey Oli, do I look dumb?" I put on my boots and started looking for the hoodie Oli gave me yesterday. When I found it I put it on.

He turned me around and kissed my nose before speaking. "No Zoey you don't look dumb you look gorgeous as always." He kissed my nose again then smiled.

"Thank you." I put my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"You're welcome." He kissed my head. He likes to kiss me."Alright let's go to the mall." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs.

"I'm driving!" I took the keys from him as he put on his jacket. He didn't object he just got in the passengers seat. When I sat on the drivers seat and started the engine. Oli turned on the radio and the first sound I heard was the beginning of "Welcome To The Black Parade" and I started crying. Oli just looked at me like I was insane. He should have learned by now.

"Um Zoe are you oka-" he didn't get to finish because I cut him off.

"No! no no I'm not o-fucking kay!" I put my head on the steering wheel at a stop light. Oli just rubbed my back but didn't say anything. He told me when the light was green so I started driving again. The song perked up so I hummed and danced in my seat a little. Oli just laughed.

"You are one of the weirdest people I've ever met Zoe." He laughed and grabbed my hand. We sang along to the radio and just talked. After twenty minutes we finally pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car.

This Hell Called Life (an Oliver Sykes love story)Where stories live. Discover now