Chapter 14

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I woke up a few hours later to find a small kitten sitting on my chest. A yawn escaped my mouth and I pet her and tried not to wake up Oli. That didn't last long because soon Sammy was purring as loud as she could and Oli stirred and woke up.

"Hello love how did you sleep?" Oli yawned and pet Sammy as Well.

In response to his question I nodded and rolled off the couch like the awkward potato I am and sprawled on the floor, stretching my back. Oli laughed and sat up. The words I said left my mouth before I could think.

"So what are we going to do now?" I yawned then crawled back on the couch and laid on Oli.

He wrapped his arms around me then kissed my head. He thought for moment then spoke.

"Well I've been here for a few months and I have never been to Yellow Stone National Park. Can we go?"

I did love the park. So I nodded then got up.

"Sure we can go but I have to get ready." I stretched one more time then started to walk downstairs. Quickly I changed my shirt and pants then put on my converse. I brushed the birds neat that is my hair then ran (hahah I don't run.) Up the stairs.

I grabbed my notebooks and Sketchbooks off the table just as Oli finished putting on his shoes. He put on his jacket then threw mine at me. I put my stuff in my bag then locked the door.

"You're driving." Oli called as he sat in the passenger seat. I groaned dramatically then sat in the drivers seat. I put my bag on Oli's lap then started driving. The park isn't that far from our neighborhood. About a thirty minute walk and a ten minute drive.

We parked in the parking lot then walked over to the tree that I had claimed over ten years ago. Oli's hand found mine as we walked. We passed some adults and children running and dogs chasing geese and other birds. It was an amazing day to be out. And I never like to leave my house.

We found my tree and climbed to where I carved my name. I relaxed against a long branch and was tempted to pull out my cigarettes but didn't. Oli looked around then sat on a branch across from me. Instead of cigarettes I grabbed a water bottle with pepsi and vodka in it. No one can know the Truth. (Anyone get the reference? No Okay... want a hint? No? Okay. Enjoy the chapter.... I want to give you a hint. He draws catwhiskers on his face with his best friend and someone asked if he was London when he was in Japan.)

Oli looked at me like he was confused then shrugged it off. Then he grabbed something out of his pocket and moved to the space where I carved my name.

After Oli wrote his name under my name with a little heart we stayed in the tree for a little while then decided to leave. I drove us home because Oli looked really tired. It took twenty minutes because of all the fucking traffic. People piss me the fuck off. And no I do not swear too much. Okay Maybe I do.

I dropped Oli off and waited till he was inside to drive home. It didn't take that long. I walked through the front door after unlocking it then I locked it again because people. After I looked semi-empty home (occupied by a kitten of course.) I fell on the ground and started crying my eyes out. The silence is something that I will never get used to. My mother was an abuser but she was all I had. My father left and mom was a bitch but I just a fucking kid.

The sobs escaped my throat and the tears rolled down my cheeks for what felt like hours but was probably only a couple minutes, I got off my ass and went outside the back door. I sat right on the front porch and smoked the rest of my cigarette pack. Who gives a flying fuck? I don't. After I threw my carton I tore off my jacket and dropped it on the ground. I walked over to the shed and grabbed a baseball bat. There is a post set up that had a volleyball ball on it but I lost the ball. I took my anger out on the pole and screamed in my head because I still have neighbors.

Soon after I finished assaulting the old pole there was knocking on the gate That's outside. Quickly I wiped my eyes and opened the gate. Oli was standing there and gasping for breath as he pulled me into his arms.

"Oli what the hell are you-" but he cut me off.

"No Zoey. What the hell are you doing? Are you Okay? Stupid question but What's with the screaming and the sound of a baseball bat but Sounds like You're murdering someone?" He stared at me until I answered. But my answer was another round of tears and sobbing.

"I don't know." I sobbed into his shirt dampening it with my tears. He held me close and rubbed my back then carried me into the house after locking the back door.

"I'm so sorry Zoe." He kept whispering under his breath as he carried me into my room.

He laid down next to me and held me until I fell asleep.


A/N I am so sorry that I haven't been updating lately I just haven't had the time. School is almost over so it's getting harder and I just spent three days playing a video game. I promise I'll try and update more often. Ugh I don't want to be in high-school next year. Oh Well. Yeah updating more often. How do you guys like the story so far? Please give feedback. Gotta go I love you guys!!

- Angelina

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