Chapter 8

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**Warning parts of this chapter may be disturbing, proceed with caution.**

"God fucking damn it" I said out loud as I tried to get the tape off my hand. Sammy just watched me from the other side of the table and played with a little ball.

"Awe You're so cute Sammy." I pet her gently and kissed her head. I was wrapping Oli and Sammy's Christmas presents on the kitchen table with Suicide Silence blasting from my phone.

"Nothing says Christmas spirit like screaming, right princess?" I put my hair in a ponytail and groaned in frustration.

"Why is wrapping boxes so Fucking hard?" I put all of Oli's gifts in a big box and wrapped it in duct tape, and now I was wrapping it in a penguin themed wrapping paper. When I moved the box to the end of the table Sammy pushed the ball on the floor then sat on the box. I pet her for awhile then had to get back to wrapping because Christmas is in two days.

I got Sammy a bag of treats, catnip, and a little ball with a bell in it. I didn't care to put it all in a box so I just wrapped it all together. Because my mother is never home and I don't really give a shit about Christmas, the only decorations around the house were some snow globe things with santa and snowmen and gingerbread men, and tinsel I found in the garage. And instead of a Christmas tree we had one of Those air Freshener things that you put in your car. I didn't put the presents by the "tree" I put them in the closet. I don't trust my drunken mother.

I turned off the music and laid upside down on the couch with a bottle of sparkling grape juice and my laptop. Because I'm not aloud to buy the alcohol myself and Austin wasn't home, this was sorta the next best thing. I went on Tumblr and just enjoyed the silence and the feeling of being alone.

Two weeks later

Christmas with Oli was one of the best Christmases I've ever had. He got me the dress like Helena and the build a bear he made. I got him some band shirts, a watch, shoes, and the build a bear I made. Well Christmas and New Years are over now and we go back to school tomorrow. Right now me and Oli were laying in his bed with All Time Low playing softly from his phone. Oli was playing with my hair and I was messing with the blanket that was around us.

"Oli, I don't want to go back to school." I pouted and buried my head in his chest. I can't handle another year and half of this fucking bullshit.

"I know Zoe I don't want to go back either but we have to." He sighed and moved his left arm so it was around my waist. We stayed in silence until a question came to mind.

"Hey Oli." I said just above a whisper. I got a hum in response.

"Why do good things have to end?" I sighed and played with my bracelets. I just... My Chemical Romance...

"Well my dear its because everything has a beginning so everything must have an ending." I swear I will never get tired of that accent and that just ruined my life.

"Well.. fuck." I buried my head in his neck. He smiled but didn't say anything. We laid in bed for the rest of the night until I had to go home because of school. My mother wasn't home so I hid in my room and blasted music in my headphones until I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders and saying by name. I opened my eyes and say Oli.

"Come on Zoe we're going to be late. Get up." He ripped the covers off my bed and picked me up. His hands were freezing.

"Holy Fuck Oli your hands are Fucking freezing!" I screeched and struggled to get on my feet. "Wait how did you get in my house." I stopped struggling and put my arms around his neck.

"Your back door was open and you wouldn't answer the front. Now come on you have to get ready." He put me on my bed and sat down next to me. I changed my shirt and put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I fixed my hair and did my makeup and tried to hurry so Oli wouldn't be too bored.

I quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom the went back to my room to get my shoes on. Oli was laying on my bed with Sammy sitting on his chest.

"Awe you guys are Adorable." I tied my boots and stood up. I picked up. The Kitty then helped Oli up.

"Alright let's go You're driving." He pushed me up the stairs After I grabbed my phone and headphones.

"Ugh fine." I groaned and picked up my keys. I locked the door after Oli and sat in the drivers seat.

"I really don't want to go." I leaned my head forward and accidentally beeped the horn.

"Fuck." I hit my head on the seat. Oli just tried not to laugh. I sent him a glare and started the car. The drive was short so we only got to listen to one song. It was "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" By none other than Fall Out Boy. When we arrived at school I parked the car got out and waited for Oli. As soon as he shut the door I started walking to the school, He called my name from behind me but I kept walking. He eventually caught up to me and put his arms around my waist. I stood with a smile before I looked down and saw Oli's arms bloody and bruised.

"Oli what the fuck happened?" The words left my mouth but were ended with a gasp. Oli's whole face was bleeding and cut. He acted like nothing was wrong but I broke out of his arms and ran the other way, my car wouldn't start and my phone was no where to be found. I thought I ran away but I was only in the school. It was a worse sight than Oli who had disappeared outside.

The whole school was covered in blood with bodies hanging with slit throats and torn clothes. I walked down the hall as the door was locked. The lights turned off but there was spotlight on each body. Tears escaped my eyes and sobbs left my throat. At the end of the dead end hallway there was a noose, a chair, and a note.

"They're is no escape Zoey."   My arms picked up the rope without me making them. I stood on the chair and tied the rope to the ceiling, the chair moved away as I said my last words.

"I go to seek a great perhaps."

The world went dark and I sat up from my bed.

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