His annoying neighbour

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Jungkook woke up to a banging on the door. He sat up and looked at the clock , it was 2 am!
Crawling from his bed he slung on a robe and went to open the door.
"You!" He said in a disgusted voice.
"Sssh quick..." he found himself shoved back in his apartment by the petite body of his neighbour who followed him in and quickly shut the door.
"What the fuc....."
A hand was slammed across his mouth and a voice whispered,
"Quiet or he'll know I'm here!"
The neighbour took his hand away and turned to look out of Jungkooks door spyhole.
Jungkook took in the person before him noticing for the first time the rip in his jacket, what was going on.
Then they both heard it.
"Jimin come on you know you want it stop playing hard to get, Jimin!!"
Someone was banging on Jimins door and cursing.
"Fuck I hoped he'd give up...." Jimin frowned.
"Who is he?"
"A date that I was set up with who doesn't take no for an answer."
"Huh, I thought you put out for anyone the amount of traffic from your apartment."
"Jealous much? Or miffed it's never you?"
"As if, I'm picky,"
"Oh really, not by what I've seen,"
The two glared at each other, then heard more noise,
"Fuck he's trying to break my door, oh no no....."
Jimin swung Jungkooks door open and charged across the landing, Jungkook didn't know why but he followed.
"Jimin your here..... whose this?!?!"
"Mind your own business and get lost you'll wake the whole building up!"
Jimins wrist was suddenly grabbed.
"You think your too good for me....?"
"Get your hands off him!"
Both turned at the sound of a cold voice, Jungkook stood there, he should have looked ridiculous in just a robe, but to Jimin he looked kinda sexy.
Jungkook gripped the intruders arm making him yelp in pain.
"W-who are you?"
Jungkook stared at him then Jimin, he smirked which made him look even sexier.
"Me? Oh I'm his boyfriend and he's been very naughty going out, I think I should punish him."
Jungkook pulled Jimin to him ignoring the frown on the smallers face.
"Boyfriend? Er yer you should teach him a lesson leading me on..."
"Oh I will but please leave ..the neighbours will get annoyed, come on Jimin," he slapped Jimins ass for effect and walked with him to his apartment door.
"Yer,I'll go,sorry the prick teaser didn't say he had a boyfriend, fuck him up good...."
Jungkook felt the anger in Jimins body but he kept his grip on him as the other got in the lift and disappeared.
Jimin shook himself free," fucking Neanderthal !" He yelled at the lift.
"You can't blame him," Jungkook said leaning against his door frame.
"Oh is that right?"
"Well he obviously knew where you lived so he can't be a complete stranger to you, what did you do make a promise you wouldn't keep?" Jungkook said looking at Jimin like he was something he'd trodden in.
Jimins hands clenched as he glared at the other anger radiating from him.
"You pompous prick you know nothing!"
"Me pompous? Why because I know what your like, all those men coming from your place it's hardly surprising he thought he was going to get some, your ' friends 'always leave looking hot and sweaty just like you."
"You know I couldn't my finger on how much you annoyed me or why, now I know, your a busybody neighbour who  acts like a slut but accuses others of the same, for your information dickhead, I'm a dance instructor, I work from home sometimes so yes we get sweaty but not how you think, occasionally I do have someone over so what, but I don't lead others on, that prick knew my address because he was given it by a so called friend to pick me up tonight....that's how he knew where I lived, he was ok at first when we met up with mutual friends but then he got weird when I said I'd go home, he decided I didn't mean it and grabbed me ripping my jacket."
Jimin stepped away and took his key out undoing his door.
"Why me? Why knock on my door?" Jungkook asked
"Because .....hell I don't know,I was scared and stupidly thought my neighbour would help, don't worry it won't happen again!"
Jimin walked inside slamming his door.
Jungkook frowned going  inside his own place..
Damn why did he feel so guilty ?
He switched the light off getting naked into bed and staring at nothing . He  remembered the feel of Jimins ass under his hand , he did have one regret that he hadn't kissed those plump lips......
"Fucking pricks!" Jimin muttered looking at his ripped jacket.
Why had he agreed to the date? Just because his friends said he was all work and no play lately.... Yet his neighbour thought he was fucking everyone! Dickhead..., he thought about how his neighbour had looked, his robe had gaped at the top and he'd seen a very sexy chest,shame he was just an annoying dick, why had he thought he would help they had never really spoken.
Jimin sighed, he needed to get more of a life even his work was being done at home when his friend Hobi was always asking him to join his studio. He decided there and then to make more time for his friends.
Jungkook stepped into the lift.
"Hold the door!" A familiar voice yelled.
Jimin rushed into the lift just as the doors Jungkook hadn't bothered to hold closed.
"Didn't you hear me?"
"You say something shorty?"
"Fuck you.."
'You wish"
"Never in a million years don't delude yourself," Jimin said sharply turning away from the other.
Jungkook leaned in his hot breath on Jimins ear,
"And yet it was me you ran too last night, I think you fancy me shorty."
"I dunno seems like it's you who wants the contact,arsehole,"
"Such a potty mouth, is that all you use it for?"
Jimin was mad then seeing they were nearly at ground level he thought he'd wind up Jungkook turning to him he gave a dazzling smile.
"Oh no, I use it for so many things, I have a good gag reflex and then of course there's this..."
He reached behind Jungkooks neck dragging his face down and claiming his lips passionately not letting go til the lift doors opened.
"See ya dickhead!"
Jungkook stood stunned as the sassy boy ran out.
"You...you...," for once Jungkook was lost for words his lips tingled from the kiss, he glanced down, what the fuck! He adjusted himself and stepped out of the lift.
Jimin was nowhere in sight otherwise Jungkook would have told him off.........wouldn't he?
Jimin was laughing to himself, his face! It was worth it to see his stunned face....., his lips were pretty soft too... he'll no Jimin remember he's just an arrogant prick!
Jimin walked the twenty minutes it took to get to Hobi's dance studio.
"Jimin! Hey how are you!"
"Hi Tae, working reception today?"
"Yer,I was bored so thought I'd help out, being a house husband isn't as interesting as I thought it would be."
Jimin laughed,"well you and Hobi both own this place so why not work here?"
"I know but Hobi is old fashioned wanted to be the man of the house until I told him he'd be the only one in the house if he didn't let me work!"
"You've always had him twisted around your little finger..."
Tae laughed," so are you finally going to take him up on the dance teacher thing?"
"Mmm, if he still wants me, I've been using my apartment for clients but it does isolate you a bit."
"Your lucky your apartments big..."
"Yer, it's a great place except for my annoying neighbour, he thinks I'm a slut because he sees sweaty bodied people leaving my place!"
Tae laughed loudly," really? Well your not a slut neither are you a virgin!"
"I'm selective..." Jimin drawled winking at his friend.
Hobi turned up leaning to kiss his husband then greeting Jimin.
"Hi stranger,"
"Hobi...., I want a job?"
"Finally!!! When can you start?"
"Give me a week to sort my clients out,"
"Tell them to come here...."
Jimin nodded.
"Babe you didn't tell me the building opposite had been brought," Tae said.
"Oh sorry, it's some music producer Jeon something, I saw him and some others looking over the place, it's been gutted out ,workmen have been there constantly, it's going to be a recording studios and offices."
"Wow maybe if it's famous people they might want dance lessons for their videos?" Tae said.
"I don't know babe but we have an invite for an opening party in three days time, Jimin you should come,"
"But they didn't invite me?"
"It's for all the workers here, your gonna work here so?"
"Say yes Jimin," Tae begged.
"Ok I'll come."
"Great, Hobi love, I'm going out shopping with Jimin we need to get something to wear."
"But you wanted to work!"
"Babe let's not be silly about this, I meant I'd work if and when I wanted, I've been here two hours already, now I need to shop ok?"
Hobi gave in easily," don't tire yourself out ok,"
Tae smiled at his husband then grabbed Jimins hand,
"Let's go!"
Jimin knew better than to argue with Tae so gave in gracefully, anyway he did need some new clothes....
They walked out the building arm in arm laughing together, neither noticed a car stopping and a handsome Mann getting out and staring at them.
Huh, seemed like shorty had found his next target...., why did that thought annoy him?

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