Finding the truth

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Jungkook drove back to his workplace, how could Jimin do it? He remembered the convincing confused look on Jimins face, but that could have been from the beer...., why was he drinking alone ...? Damn why was he bothered about that.
Getting back to his office he walked in, Namjoon stopping him.
"What's going on Kook?"
Jungkook told him expecting the other to be as annoyed as him.
"Nah, Jimin wouldn't do that,"
"How the hell would you know?"
"I've seen him a lot at Jins, what would he gain, he's not a money grabber or an attention seeker."
"And you can tell all this because of a few coffees?"
"No I can tell because he was saying how much he needed to help someone who was doing a video shoot, he wouldn't name them but said he couldn't let it happen if they didn't get better as they would be a laughing stock, he said although they had an awful attitude it was up to him to get them through it."
Jungkook felt that niggle of doubt but then" look this usb fell out of his jacket"
Namjoon looked at it," can I borrow it?"
"I want Suga to look at it,"
"Be my guest but it doesn't change the fact the song has been released and Jimin did it."
He turned going into his office to find numerous calls from Marie, Damn this day was turning to shit.
"Jimin, what do you mean you quit?"
"I'm sorry Tae, I have to your studio doesn't need the press coming down on it and they will ... I don't know how the copy got in my jacket I leave it in the car, I swear I didn't do it Tae."
"Jimin I know you couldn't hurt a fly let alone this."
"Thanks Tae, tell Hobi I'm sorry."
"I'll come around,"
"No,no I've left town for a bit," he lied
"Oh, ok maybe that's best, call me when your back."
"Sure,bye Tae."
Putting his phone down he slumped on his sofa. What if he couldn't prove his innocence......
He stared at the wall for some time at least Tae or Hobi wouldn't come around thinking he was here. But Jungkook might, do you want him banging on your door again he'll see your car so he will know your here.
Jumping up Jimin took his keys and jacket and went down to his car. Luckily he didn't keep stuff in it except the car documents so he drove it to a car wash and had it cleaned and valeted then he drove it to a second hand dealer.
"I want to sell my car,"
"Hmm, it's a bit old,"
"It works it's clean and has low mileage, some of your cars here are older than this..."
"Well....., I'll give you xxxxx for it."
"I have its full history it's only had two owners including me I think that's a bit low don't you? I know you'll mark it up once you have it."
The owner grunted compared to some of the vehicles he had Jimins was exceptional.
He upped the price begrudgingly and Jimin accepted it getting a bankers cheque.
He went straight to the bank to put it in. He was very careful with money he didn't like to get things unnecessarily so had good savings.
He caught the bus home letting himself into his home and locking the door, looking with disinterest at the food in the kitchen he ignored it and went into his bedroom crawling on top of his bed and hugging a pillow.
His head filled with the look of disgust on Jungkooks face, he hadn't seen that look since his parents. It seemed he was destined to disappoint everyone. He curled up hugging the pillow as silent tears rolled down his face.
Jungkook was tired he'd spent the day assuring Marie that it wasn't a bad thing that she could do her dance video but she'd been so stressed she had said it wasn't possible there had to be another option.
He got back to his apartment block noticing Jimins car had gone, was he out partying enjoying himself ?
He got to his floor glancing at Jimins door before going into his place.

"I'm telling you Jin , Jimin wouldn't do it," Tae said. He was at the coffee shop spilling his worries to Jin while he waited for Hobi to come.
"I told Jungkook that too," Namjoon said sitting with them," there's something off about this," he said just as Hobi turned up at the table.
"I'll say, apart from the fact that bitch couldn't dance a step she lied about what she said she heard and Jimin was so conscientious about locking up the recording ."
"Yer,Jimin said the usb fell from his jacket pocket, funny thing is he always leaves it in his car...."
A voice behind them spoke," Jimin didn't leak it and I can prove it."
Everyone turned to see Suga.
"You can! Great let's tell Jimin and Jungkook."
"No we need everything in place first. Hobi do you have cameras in your place?"
Hobi nodded." Good, and we have ours, tomorrow we need to check them and I need to call an old friend for some info, in a couple of days this should be cleared up."
"Good, I want Jimins name cleared," Tae said and all the others nodded.

Jungkook got up hoping for a better day, he felt an unease inside himself and he wasn't sure why, standing on his balcony he looked down . Jimins car wasn't there..., had he come back? Maybe he'd left for work already.
He left his apartment staring at Jimins door before shaking his head.
Getting into work he walked to Namjoons office to see him stare intently at his screen.
"Working already? Don't make Jin come after me."
"Hmmm? Oh er hi."
"What are you looking at so intently?"
Namjoon finally looked up," oh something Tae said,"
"Which was?"
"That Jimin never took his jacket into work he left it in his car."
"How did the usb get in it?"
"Well obviously Jimin put it in there"
"No he didn't , Hobi sent over some cctv recordings and I've looked at ours as well, someone broke into Jimins car."
"What, maybe they were stealing something,"
"Or putting something there,"
"It's a bit far fetched Joonie ,"
"Is it....., Suga said the usb recording is not the finalised copy ."
"Go ask him,"
Jungkook hurried out and went to see Suga.
Jimin had barely moved from his bed except to use the bathroom. He felt numb and self loathing was creeping in. Was he untrustworthy, did people think he was like that, he hadn't eaten or drunk anything he'd turned his phone off , what if the media turned up here..., would Jungkook sue him? He would make sure Hobi got no blame it was the least he could do. His head felt a bit woozy, he closed his eyes willing sleep to come eventually getting up to find an old sleeping tablet and taking it, he just wanted to feel nothing to get his head out of its dismal stream of worry, he just wanted everything to go away.

"What do you mean Suga?"
"I'm saying this copy is off the song before it was finished properly . I changed some parts in the middle."
"So where did this come from?"
"Ask your lady friend ,"
"Marie? But how and why?"
"Well hopefully when my lead calls back I can tell you."
"Call me as soon as you know."
Suga nodded and Jungkook went to his office. Damn, he needed an explanation , all the bad things he'd said to Jimin! He cursed himself , he went out crossing the road to the studio. Going in he saw Hobi and Tae behind the reception desk.
"Er hi guys, could you give me Jimins number?
"Why so you can rant at him a bit more?"
Jungkook looked down," no, so I can start apologising"
Tae and Hobi looked at each other, then Tae wrote down a number. Jungkook rang it but was told he couldn't be connected.
"Shit..., is he due in today?"
"He quit, he was worried about a law suit didn't want to ruin my business," Hobi muttered.
"What? When ...."
"Yesterday morning,"
"You know he wasn't lying, that conversation Marie heard seems she's picky with what she tells you."
"She's a lousy dancer, I have cameras in the studios there are signs but she's so self engrossed she wouldn't notice, here look at this."
Jungkook came around to the screen, Hobi pressed a button and Jungkook saw Jimin explaining something to Marie then demonstrating, Marie tried to copy but was awful. Time and again jimin would persevere and show her, each time she got worse not better.
"She can't dance.."
"Duh! Yet she convinced you she was looking forward to it, now look at this, it's the day before the leak."
Jungkook watched, Marie had stormed out, Hobi came in talking to Jimin then Marie came back, Hobi left Jimin went to turn the music on ready and Marie after glancing around seemed to put her phone in a place where it was facing the dance floor , was she recording?"
"My guess is she saw how bad she really was and thought of a way of bypassing her video by getting it released early" Tae murmured.
At that moment his phone rang it was Suga.
"My source says she regularly pays this person to do things for her, leak appearances, plant good news stories....., plant evidence."
"Fuck, that bitch has been playing me, how can I prove it?"
"I got my source to......, acquire a statement from the one who planted it."
"Right get Namjoon to call her in, I'm getting this sorted."
He tried Jimins number again but nothing.
"Where is he?" He muttered
"Who...Jimin? Well he mentioned going away for a few days...."
"I owe him a big apology ,"
"You sure do" Tae said earning a nudge from Hobi
"Babe he knows don't make it harder."
"Right if you hear from him before me let him know we know the truth"
Both nodded and Jungkook left going his office and with Namjoons help creating files
As the evidence became clearer Jungkooks face darkened, then a secretary knocked to inform him
'miss Marie' had arrived.
"Show her in..." he said standing with a frown on his face.
"Jungkook...,I've been so distraught....., I think we should sue him."
Marie came in , pretending to wipe her eyes waiting for Jungkook to comfort her.
"I'm sure it will be the other way around and I wouldn't blame him....., seems you lied to me,"Jungkook said harshly.

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