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Jungkook tapped his pen on the desk, his mind on his night with Jimin two days ago. He'd not seen him since.
"Jungkook? Are you listening ?"
"Huh oh yes, you were saying your happy with the recording?"
He brought his attention back to the woman in front of him. She was pretty if you liked that look, but she didn't do anything for Jungkook.
Marie stared at the handsome man in front of her, she'd signed with him years before when his business was smaller, now he had many famous artists but he just didn't seem to notice her. It annoyed her as she usually got what she wanted.
"I have to learn a dance routine for the video, apparently just singing isn't enough," she said haughtily.
"Well you should go across the road they have some very good teachers there, I can introduce you if you want?"
"Really? Can we go now?"
She stood up walking round the desk to clamp her hand on his arm like a vice.
"Er...,ok let's go."
She fawned over him in the lift , anyone looking at her would think she owned him.
They walked across the road and walked into the dance studio, Jimin and Hobi were looking at a clipboard discussing something.
They both looked up when Jungkook walked in, a faint blush hit Jimins cheeks.
"Hey Hobi...Jimin, how are you?"
Marie noticed the way his voice softened as he spoke to Jimin and how the other blushed not quite meeting their gaze. Straight away she felt threatened by the small male who seemed to get more of Jungkooks attention than she ever had.
Jungkook explained what Marie needed.
"Do you think you can help?" He asked Hobi
"What timescale do we have?"
"Two weeks," Marie said looking disdainfully at the others.
"Have you done this before miss ?" Jimin asked.
"It's just dancing what can be so hard?" She muttered
"On video shoots it can be time consuming you have to know your steps perfectly as they cut and change to various parts before the shoot is done." Jimin explained.
"Oh and you would know?" She asked in disbelief
"Well yes, I've done a few,"
She saw Jungkook smile at the other and gritted her teeth.
"Ok well you can be my teacher," she announced, better to keep your enemy close she thought.
"Well Jimins schedule is pretty full, I could fit you in?" Hobi asked.
She turned her charm on him," no disrespect sweetie but I think Jimin? Is it? I think it's best he teach me."
"It's ok Hobi, I'm sure I can shuffle a few people around."
Hobi nodded, he got a feeling of dislike about the woman so was glad not to have to deal with her.
"I can send you a copy of the single, it's not out yet but Marie needs to up her attraction by videoing it."
"Jungkook! You make it sound like I'm desperate!" She whined.
"Er,no I understand, it's a selling point youngsters like a visual," Jimin said trying to placate her.
"Well , let's arrange times shall we?" Jungkook asked mentally thanking Jimin for his intervention.
Everything was arranged and Jungkook took Marie away for lunch.
"She's a bit of a diva isn't she?" Hobi grimaced.
"Well let's hope her dancing is better than her attitude," Jimin joked.
Three days later and Jimin was holding on to his patience by a thread.
"No Marie, you count into the beat then step,"
"You're deliberately making this routine hard are you trying to make me look bad!" She ranted.
"I've downsized the routine from what it should be, you need to move to the beat, it's your song it should feel natural."
"I'm taking a rest," she stormed out slamming the door open. Hobi who was passing stoped as she stormed out. He went into the dance studio.
"Hey Jimin I see her attitude hasn't changed?"
"God Hobi, I've tried and tried, she is hopeless, it's like she has two left feet. I've made it the easiest routine possible but the woman has no rhythm in her movements .if she carries on she'll be a laughing stock, I don't think she should dance I think they should get professionals in for the video."
"Maybe you should do it Jimin."
"Either of us could, just think of the business you would get!"
Marie standing behind the door as she had forgotten her phone, clenched her hands. She knew she wasn't the best dancer but was she really that bad, if so she was not going to be made a laughing stock neither was she going to let this male be right.
Coughing before entering she stepped inside, putting a fake smile on she said to the two males there,
"Shall we continue?"
Jimin happy that she was willing to try smiled while Hobi dashed out.
While Jimin turned to sort the music she took her phone out setting it on video record and placing it where Jimin wouldn't notice it but where it could record her.
Three quarters of an hour later Jimin was glad when she said she would have to go as she had forgotten a previous appointment.
She stoppped recording, smirking, of course she would look good, that good for nothing dancer was exaggerating.
Jimin said goodbye and went to shower. He was tired, frustrated and most of all,felt uneasy letting Jungkook down.
Marie sat in her car relaxing, she would be so glad when this was done with, her days were usually a lot lazier. She pressed play in her phone , her smile gradually dropping as she watched. No this couldn't happen, he was right, although she had thought she was copying his moves exactly she looked like a stumbling wreck compared to his graceful movements . This couldn't happen to her, she wouldn't let it! Biting her lip she thought for a while then smirked, dialling a number she spoke,
"It's me, I need you to do something, yes same amount I usually pay just keep your mouth shut."
Jimin put the recording in Hobi's safe, as it hadn't been released yet the studio was keeping it under wraps too, as each room was soundproofed it couldn't be heard and no one else was allowed into the private sessions.
He took two more classes then his day was done.
He packed his things up then walked out to his car ,which had started without question when he tried it again. Going to put the key in he saw the door was not fully shut,Ah Jimin your getting forgetful he told himself, his jacket was all that had been in there and still was.Getting in he drove to a convenience store and got some groceries while there he bought some beer, he decided tonight he deserved it, being around Marie was stressful..
He got home and made a sandwich not bothered about cooking. He put the tv on finding a light hearted romantic film and watched it drinking his beers, he felt drowsy and a bit giggly and knew it was time to go to bed.
The banging on the door woke him up, his eyes opened and he looked at the clock , shit he had overslept he'd forgotten to put his alarm on.
He crawled out the bed and went to the door finding an angry Jungkook there.
He was stopped by Jungkook brushing past him to walk into his apartment looking around.
"What's up?"
"As if you didn't know! Drinking away your guilt were you?" Jungkook asked staring at the beer cans Jimin had left from the night before.
"Guilt? What are you on about?"
"Marie's song! Why did you put it out for early release? You knew there were plans to have a big release full video and all."
"What the fuck are you talking about,"
"Don't play stupid with me, are you that desperate for money you thought you would be hired to do the video? You knew Marie wasn't ready so you upped the anti by giving the song out to the media knowing they would want a video rendition to go with it, now we have to get one shot without Marie, she's putting a brave face on it but she's so upset that this got out, I'm the one who recommended you!"
"I have no clue what your in about and I don't appreciate you slandering me!"
"I don't appreciate you making copies and selling to the highest bidder, I also don't appreciate you telling Hobi that professionals should do the video and get more business for him, Marie heard it all."
"Did she? Really, so she also heard me say she had two left feet and was no good? She has misrepresented what I said, I didn't want her to be made a laughing stock, she has absolutely no dance rhythm."
"Oh really? Now your trying to cover yourself, she wanted to do this so much and you have ruined it and the release, your so selfish do you need to be the centre of attention all the time?"
"Ask Hobi.., he knows what was said, he knows the recording is locked up, I don't need attention I don't need money and Hobi's business is doing great, so fuck iff and get your facts straight, ask your precious Marie to show you just how lousy she is!!"
Jimin walked to the front door knocking his jacket off the back of the chair as he passed, a usb stick dropped out and he picked it up what was it. Looking he saw Marie song written on it, he stared in shock then looked at Jungkook who frowned then grabbed it before staring in disgust at Jimin.
"You lousy liar..." he pushed Jimin out the way and walked out.
How? What was going on? He sank to the floor feeling agitated how could he prove his innocence?

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