Enemy or lover?

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Jimin had been busy for the rest of the week. He liked working at the dance studio and regularly popped into Jins but changed times so that he could avoid his neighbour.
He hadn't seen him since the coffee shop, maybe he was busy, but in a way he missed the to and fro of their 'conversations'.
He was the last to leave. He slung his bag in the back of his car then got in. Putting his key in he turned it, nothing happened. He tried again but it was the same. Damn, he knew he should have looked after his car better but it wasn't ever at the forefront of his mind.
He opened the bonnet but might as well have been looking at a jigsaw puzzle.
Slamming it shut he removed his bag and locked the car turning and seeing the bus he could have caught disappearing.
"Damn , Damn, Damn ," he kicked the tyre but only succeeded in hurting his foot.
Sighing he grabbed his bag and started walking mumbling to himself that it wouldn't take long , knowing in the evening the way he walked some pathways weren't lit. He wasn't scared, of course he wasn't, he told himself, he'd walked home before. Yeh but not in the dark on your own, the scaredy cat on his shoulder said.
Little sounds had him staring around trying to walk quicker but his sore foot wouldn't let him. He had walked a third of the way when the heavens opened .
"Why, why me ?"he yelled at the sky.
He was soon soaked and cold and he'd slowed up .
Lights from a car lit up the dark road . Jimins head was down his thoughts on having a hot bath and wrapping up warm.
The car pulled to a stop next to him.
"Get in shorty,"
He looked up to see the amused face of Jungkook.
"No thanks I'm fine(achoo)" he sneezed
"Are you dumb or what get in!"
"I said no!"
Jungkook sighed," ok your loss...,"
He closed his window and drove off.
"You are dumb Jimin you could be in a nice warm car but no you had to be the idiot(achoo)"
Jimin wallowed in his self pity.
Jungkook glanced in his rear view mirror.
Was he limping, had he hurt himself? Where was his car.
"Aaargh!" Swinging the car round he pulled in ahead of Jimin got out quickly picked him and his bag up and dropped them both in the passenger seat. Getting back in he drove towards home.
He turned the heater up as Jimin was shivering when he'd picked him up.
"Thanks " the small male muttered.
"How did you hurt your foot?"
"I kicked my car," Jimin admitted
"Why?" Jungkook said in an amused voice
"Because I don't look after it and it wouldn't start so I kicked it ok?"
"Hmm, makes perfect sense."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you don't take care of yourself either so what chance has your car got?"
"I'm fine?"
"Are you, how many times do you miss breakfast because you rush out early, do you have a proper lunch , Jin is worried you don't like his food he says you keep turning it down.what about now will you cook yourself something...a proper meal?"
Jimin was stunned, it was like Jungkook had spent the days with him because he was right.
"Y-you don't understand, a fat dancer isn't good in video shoots which I do sometimes or teaching the extra weight would slow me down during the day."
"Neither is a teacher who doesn't eat enough calories to make up for all those he burns off during the day, you will get to a point where you physically can't keep up."
Jimin was silent, he knew Jungkook was right. When had he started watching his food intake again? All the months he'd spent getting better was he trying to fall back into that black pit?
"Your right...i-i had a problem...have a problem, I think I'm fatter than I am so I..., don't eat well, sometimes I can feel so hungry but I don't give into it, I thought I'd stopped but it seems not."
"It must be hard for you? Do you have a set weight you must weigh yourself if you think you've put some on?"
"No...., I'm scared to, it's like part of my brain is telling me not to be stupid and the other is calling me fat."
"But you must have been told an ideal weight for you height and build?"
"You need to try and train your brain to recognise...., this is the weight I should be, a pound or two over or under is no big deal but more than that then you take control of it?"
"It sounds simple when you say it like that."
"I go to the gym a lot of my weight is muscle but I have a point where I don't get too bulky and also when I lose muscle and look wimpy."
"You certainly didn't look wimpy the other morning," Jimin said without thinking.
"Aaah..., did you sneak a peak?"
"N-nooo," Jimin lied" you kicked the sheet off."
"Hmm, is that so?"
Luckily for Jimin they had arrived at their apartments. Jimin got out the car wincing as he put his foot down, he grabbed his bag but it was suddenly whisked from him and an arm was put around his waist.
"I-I'm fine really."
"Your cold,soaked and limping ,"
"I'll soak in a bath, I'll be fine."
They got in the lift.
"You'll make sure you eat?" Jungkook asked
"Um, I'll find something,"
Jungkook frowned then,
"How about I cook something at yours while your in the bath?"
"Erm,er slight problem, I haven't been shopping."
"I knew it,right your eating at mine, you can bath there too."
"But..,I can't I have to launder the stuff in my bag and um...."
"Have a washing machine and dryer."
"I haven't got a change of clothes,"
"Use mine,"
"Have run out of excuses, here we are,"
Jimin found himself ushered in.
"I'll put your laundry on, you know where my bedroom is wardrobe on the left, T shirt and shorts or sweatpants. Drawer in the middle , new boxers, bathroom door to your right in there, go soak and get warm, I'll get a meal ready."
Jimin felt all mushy inside, why was he being so nice? He limped to the bedroom found a black t shirt and shorts and some brand new boxers. He went into the bathroom and ran a bath. A knock sounded,
"Throw your wet clothes out,"
"Ok..., wait a minute,"
Jimin stripped off bundling his wet clothes up and opening the door a little bit handed them out.
Jungkook smiled at the way Jimin hid behind the door.
"Ok twenty minutes, that should be long enough, come back to the sitting room after."
"Right," Jimin murmured the he climbed into the bath he'd filled with bubbles groaning at how wonderful it felt. He wallowed in the heat for a while and then realising that time was passing he washed himself then rinsed of his hair.
Drying himself off he noticed bruising on two of his toes,oh well it shouldn't take too long to heal. He rubbed his hair nearly dry then finger combed it into some sort of order.
Some wonderful aromas were drifting towards him so he left the room and made his way to the sitting room that also had a dining table which Jungkook was setting up.
"Hey you done?"
"Yes thank you can I help?" Jimin limped barefoot towards him.
Jungkook suddenly lifted him up sitting him on the bare part of the table. He took Jimins foot in his hand.
"That must hurt, it's bruised," he gently rubbed Jimins foot.
"I..um..., it's not much just bruising I've had worse,"
"Really, what did you do?"
"I...um my mother accidentally dropped a heavy object on my foot and broke my toes."
The way Jimin said it was in a way Jungkook thought it had been no accident.
"Oh dear,she must have felt guilty,"
"Ah,er yer she did," Jimin lied
"Ok then here sit down and I'll dish up the food, your stuff is in the dryer."
He lifted Jimin from the table and put him in a chair.
He brought lots of small dishes to the table, the smell made Jimins mouth water.
"You did all this?!"
"I like cooking and this will be better for you taking small amounts of food rather than having a huge plateful."
"Ok, let's eat then," jimin picked a small mouthful and moaned out loud at its wonderful taste.
Jungkook hearing it remembered how he'd dreamt of Jimin moaning as he lay underneath him.
He cleared his throat, "help yourself to all you want"
"You know you have a dual personality..."
"Me what about you!"
"I'm straightforward,"
"There's nothing straight about you." Jungkook muttered.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I said get this food straight down you..."
They ate, Jimin sat back.
"Thank you that was tasty,"
A machine bleeped.
"Oh that's your washing dried I'll take it out."
Jungkook went to the small room his washer and dryer was in.
Jimin decided to be helpful, he took the dishes and started washing up humming a tune.
Jungkook came back to hear Jimin singing quietly his hips swaying to the tune.
Jungkooks eyes were drawn to him, a rush of need flowed over him.
He walked behind the other.
"You have a very enticing body...."
Jimin jumped he hadn't heard him come back.
He turned playfully smiling," that's what all my 'close' friends say...!"
Jungkook suddenly caged him against the sink.
"So...., your not a virgin...?"
"Duh!are you?"
"Hardly...., so you'd be a bottom then?"
"What's it to you,"
"Just like to know..."
"Very domineering aren't you?"
"I just know what I want...."
"So...what do you want?" Jimin asked drawing closer.
"You....,I want you..." he groaned closing the space between them and claiming Jimins lips, the encouraging moan he got from the other made him lift him up under his thighs.
Jimin locked his legs around the others waist and carried on kissing as Jungkook walked them into his bedroom, it seemed the enemies would become lovers....

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