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Tae came over and Jungkook left them to it after taking in some snacks.
"So your letting him take care of you?"
"I must admit he's been worried about where you were and Namjoon told Jin who told us that he had a right go at Marie, dropped her after confronting her with the evidence collected."
"He said I could sue him...."
"You know I'm not that type of person,"
"Yer I do, your a tart with a heart."
"What,just because you've eased up on the pointless dates doesn't mean I have forgotten about them."
"We can't all find our true love like you and Hobi!"
"Not if you don't try, a one night stand is different from a relationship, have you never found someone who makes your heart beat a little faster?"
Jimin thought to himself, yer Jungkook after our amazing sex, but he didn't voice it.
"I don't know Tae, I know I play around now and then but I don't feel anyone would put up with me long term especially when I do stupid things like now"
Jungkook had been about to go ask if they wanted more refreshments but hearing Jimins words he felt self loathing, he had made Jimin in that state.
Clearing his suddenly choked throat he knocked on the slightly open door.
"Er hi, sorry to disturb you both, Tae would you like some lunch with Jimin?"
"Wow yer, oh if that's ok?"
"Sure I'm ordering in is there anything you both like?"
"Fried chicken!"
Jungkook gave a small smile and nodded then left.
"He's quiet..." Tae said.
"Yes he is isn't he...."
The delivery came and jungkook put some on two plates and carried it into the bedroom with soft drinks. After setting it on the bedside table he turned to go.
"What about you?" Jimin asked
"Oh..., I'll eat out there," he left the room quietly to go and sit at the breakfast bar just staring at his food.
Tae and Jimin stared at each other ," he sounds a bit.... Lost," Tae said.
"I know , he did say he wouldn't bug me while I'm here but it seems silly, using his place and ignoring him,Tae pick the food up let's go eat with him."
The pair wandered out surprising Jungkook who stood up quickly," what's wrong is the food no good shall I get something else, are you ok Jimin," he rushed out.
"I'm fine, we would just like to sit with you and eat."
"Of course ..., now sit down."
They all sat down, then Tae jumped up to go fetch their drinks from the bedroom.
"You don't have to avoid me you know,"
"I thought you would feel more comfortable without me around, I've caused you so much pain Jimin I can't describe how much I despise myself right now."
Jimin saw how sincere Jungkook was and felt the need to assure him he was ok but Tae came back.
Eating the food kept them quiet for a while then,
"Why did you sell your car Jimin?"
"I thought I might be sued," he said honestly.
Jungkook gasped," you sold your car..., because of what I said?"
Jimin hurried to try and explain," not entirely, Tae will tell you I used to worry about money, I became quite obsessed with working hard to support myself after..., well after family issues, I sold my car even though I have plenty of savings because I thought any money might come in handy and we'll it's an old car it might prompt me to buy a newer more reliable one if I need it in the future."
"You should have a car, you work late sometimes it's safer," Jungkook said.
"Well, I'll look for one soon ok?"
"I'll go with you...., if you'll let me, I know a bit about cars...." Jungkook said looking at Jimin.
About to say no he saw the guilty worried look on Jungkook face and repented.
"That would be great Kookie."
"Kookie?" Tae asked
"Erm just a nickname," mumbled Jimin.
Tae sat there looking at them both a smirk appearing on his face. Couldn't these two idiots see what was going on between them?
"Oh well, I've gotta go, Hobi wants me at the studio, glad your recovering Jimin, Jungkook look after him,"
With a little hand wave he left.
Jungkook got up clearing the plates.
Jimin sat watching as he washed up, soon the place was tidy again
"I'm going for a sleep "Jimin said.
"Oh right......well I'll be quiet."
"Didn't you hear me, I said I want to sleep, ....with you...."
"I er..., Jimin ,"
Jimin grabbed his hand and walked him to the bedroom. He pulled him to the bed and told him to lie down then he cuddled up to him.
Jungkook liked the way Jimin cuddled but felt unsure about being given this opportunity. He lay stiffly until a dig in the ribs got him,
"Chill out Kookie your like a board,"
"I'm sorry Jimin I just feel bad that your this way because of me...."
"Kookie let's call a truce, what happened , happened, we should both learn from it, you think before you speak and me not to not fall back into bad habits!"
"Your sure?"
"Mmmhmmm   "
"Deal!" They shook hands then laughed.
Jimin then sprawled across Jungkook seemingly oblivious of the effect he had on him.
In Jungkooks head he was thinking of things he disliked anything to get his mind off the others warm body across his.
He eventually heard Jimins soft breaths indicating he was asleep.
Jungkook lightly ran his hand down the others back resting it on Jimins butt.
He gently kissed his head then closed his own eyes, just a nap he told himself.
The shrill ring of a phone had them both waken.
"Sorry I'll get it,"
Jimin moved off the other and stretched looking at the clock," wow , we slept for an hour!"
Jungkook picked up his phone," hey Namjoon what's up?"
"Sorry Kook but I really need your signature on some papers.."
"Ok I'll be there in half an hour."
He put the phone down, then worriedly looked at Jimin until an idea struck him.
"Do you fancy sitting in Jins while I pop into work?"
"You bet! I haven't been out in ages!!"
"Ok, get dressed and we will go."
Jimin looked as happy as a kid with a new toy then....
"I need to get some clothes ..."
"Keys...." Jungkook held his hand out and disappeared into Jimins coming back with hoodies and sweatpants and trainers," here you will be more comfortable in these."
Jimin grabbed them stripping off what he wore and dressing while Jungkook stared at his body like a starving man.
"Kookie? Are you still asleep? I asked if you were ready?"
"Oh yer right,let's go..."

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